With wrong way to find new continent. (A setnece from Khazars' Dictionary by Milorad Pavić).
I crossed to Fischer's articles from 1964-issues of Chess Life. He undertook to minuciously analyze 1862 match between Italian Duboise and his idol (Fischer's idol not Duboise's) Steinitz.
Fischer is legendary upon dissecting obscure and forgotten games from the past. I found an Italian book on line about those articles, namely a biography of Dubois.
I am stumbling in Italian, I recognized only name of Anderssen and those moves.
1. e4 c5 2. f3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. xd4 a6 5. c3 c6 6. e3 f6 7. d3 d5!
I supposed that a pair of Italians say "here Fischer found idea for his ..d5 moe in 21st game of mach against Spassky". I thought Adolf Anderssen played 2. f3 against Sicilian defense.
I searched in several data bases.
Nothing came up
And finally I found it:::
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Bd3 d5!
The Italian book used ideograms instead of letters for pieces.
Those ideograms disappeared in html-version of pdf file.
So there was no game played by Anderssen in which he played 2. f3 against Sicilian defense.
Anderssen really played Paulssen's defense in 1877 (!!) against Sarl Theodor Goering and he lost although he had better posiition after 20 moves.
But I spent hours in analyzin wrong moves, I didn't even mind impossible moves like 5. c3 (*after 4.cxd4 it would be impossible),and I couldn't stop admiring Fischer for analyzing coffee shop moves.
Originally posted by vanderveldeWill have a look when I get a chance.
With wrong way to find new continent. (A setnece from Khazars' Dictionary by Milorad Pavić).
I crossed to Fischer's articles from 1964-issues of Chess Life. He undertook to minuciously analyze 1862 match between Italian Duboise and his idol (Fischer's idol not Duboise's) Steinitz.
Fischer is legendary upon dissecting obscure and forgotten g ...[text shortened]... d4 it would be impossible),and I couldn't stop admiring Fischer for analyzing coffee shop moves.