Dear RHP community,
Thank you for thinking I have said something reasonably interesting a total of 100 times in just over a year. I'm flattered to think I average an intelligent contribution evey 3.5 days or so.
(I can't actually figure out where rec 100 came from though, I was sitting on 97 for a while, and got an extra 3 in the last few hours. Haven't tracked one down yet!)
I'm feeling a need to mark the achievement somehow. I get different stars as I make more moves, maybe I need some cute little symbol as I get more recs? What would be appropriate, do you think? A smiley stamp? A little heart that gets redder as you love me more?
Or just a swift kick up the backside and a demand that I go back to playing chess, because this is a bl**** chess site?
Originally posted by orfeoYuo should buy us all a present as a thank you for giving you all those Recs... or at least a card! 😀
Dear RHP community,
Thank you for thinking I have said something reasonably interesting a total of 100 times in just over a year. I'm flattered to think I average an intelligent contribution evey 3.5 days or so.
(I can't actually figure out where rec 100 came from though, I was sitting on 97 for a while, and got an extra 3 in the last few hours. Have ...[text shortened]... the backside and a demand that I go back to playing chess, because this is a bl**** chess site?