101 Things We Appreciate
Here are some of mine to get the ball rolling: 1) Home grown tomatoes, 2) Honesty in any form, 3) Early deployment
of flank pawns (a2-a3 or b7-b6), 4) Inner beauty in an elegant lady which improves with age (example, the Duchess
of Marlboro), 5) Relaxed conversation and easy rapport, 6) Raw garlic chopped fine, sprinkled on romaine salad,
7) Inexpensive dry white or red wine (lightly aged in dark glass high shouldered bottles) depending on the entree.
How about a few of yours...
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyHome grown tomatoes rock!
101 Things We Appreciate
Here are some of mine to get the ball rolling: 1) Home grown tomatoes, 2) Honesty in any form, 3) Early deployment
of flank pawns (a2-a3 or b7-b6), 4) Inner beauty in an elegant lady which improves with age (example, the Duchess
of Marlboro), 5) Relaxed conversation and easy rapport, 6) Raw garlic chopped fine, spri ...[text shortened]... high shouldered bottles) depending on the entree.
How about a few of yours...
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbyearly deployment of flank pawns? My dear sir, these are moves made by timid ladies,
101 Things We Appreciate
Here are some of mine to get the ball rolling: 1) Home grown tomatoes, 2) Honesty in any form, 3) Early deployment
of flank pawns (a2-a3 or b7-b6), 4) Inner beauty in an elegant lady which improves with age (example, the Duchess
of Marlboro), 5) Relaxed conversation and easy rapport, 6) Raw garlic chopped fine, spri ...[text shortened]... high shouldered bottles) depending on the entree.
How about a few of yours...
like trev33, gingerly, with apprehension and and air of indecisiveness. Now we could
talk of moves like a4! and b5!, even 1g4!? or 1.b4!?, but a3, mmmm
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbynaturally you meant the 'Duchess of Marlborough' and not the fag with the foreshortened spelling..
101 Things We Appreciate
Here are some of mine to get the ball rolling: 1) Home grown tomatoes, 2) Honesty in any form, 3) Early deployment
of flank pawns (a2-a3 or b7-b6), 4) Inner beauty in an elegant lady which improves with age (example, the Duchess
of Marlboro), 5) Relaxed conversation and easy rapport, 6) Raw garlic chopped fine, spri ...[text shortened]... high shouldered bottles) depending on the entree.
How about a few of yours...
Originally posted by robbie carrobieRespect your right to an opinion, Robbie, and realize mine is held by a slim
early deployment of flank pawns? My dear sir, these are moves made by timid ladies,
like trev33, gingerly, with apprehension and and air of indecisiveness. Now we could
talk of moves like a4! and b5!, even 1g4!? or 1.b4!?, but a3, mmmm
minority. With black's rook pawn to a6 followed by b7-b5, the white king's
bishop is denied early development to c 4 and the vulnerability of black's
king bishop pawn (on c7) is averted. Similarly, playing b7-b6 against white's
pawn to d4 sets the scene for pressure on white's king knight pawn on f2,
at least temporarily denying an easy fianchetto. Comparisons with others
is still odious, Robbie. Trev33 isn't even remotely involved in our sidebar
chat or the thread, itself, since he hasn't yet weighed in. Last, a forthright
question for you. Premise: e4 and d4 have been played and analyzed to
the point where playing them leads to an entire range of variations and
subsets understood by most all players with any degree of chess prowess.
Conclusion: Many chess players are risk averse and seek non-threatening
comfort zones. Question: Why not think outside the box and consider
exploring untested alternatives to the status quo, with the rationale
"If not us, whom? If not now, when?" Why do the expected in warfare?
Note: Maybe check out the few quotes from well known chess giants
in my RHP Profile. Insights of these gentlemen are incredible.
Originally posted by mikelomFair question, Sir Mike. Let's think aloud. Well, for starters, the universal language
Why does everything have to be numbered, and sequenced?
of business is numbers and when all the jawboning in boardrooms is concluded
the numbers themselves must inevitably stand up and speak. Most all recent
technological breakthroughs were enabled by simplified numbering systems which
served to facilitate high volume data storage capacity, processing, transmission
over great distances at mind boggling speeds. Chess itself depends totally upon
arithmetic constructs to assign material and positional values, as well a playing
board (not 63 or 65 but) of 64 numbered aand sequenced ranks and files. Even
Casino lady luck games involving slots, craps, roulette, cards and wheels require
numbering and sequencing. I dunno. Perhaps you can answer the question.
I'm just reacting to the most miserable summer that I have ever lived through:
11. That blast of cold A/C when you walk in out of the 105 degree Texas heat. A long drink of cold water. A long drink of cold beer.
Welcome back Gramps! Lawsuits against you and other legal matters have been on hold for the last 9 months and I can probably stall them till the end of this year as you get your strength back.