is what the poet has in progress in the Holy MAP War.Good lord!
The king(see vaksno profile for a really nice graphic) is currently involved in
"only" 83,oops,make that a mere 82 games.
How do you guys do it?..I mean all I see is "send move"..."send move"..ALL day long!
Talk about dedication.But surely this insanity must stop.A ceasefire should be
negotiated before they become chess hermits.Perhaps it is allready too late.....
Well, my job requires internet access. (I do computer technical support
at a call center). I am therefore, using a certain brand of logic, being
paid to surf the internet and then help out customers every now and
then. Thus, I am playing chess with you all while, in fact, also being
paid by the company I work for at the same time. The only downside
is that sometimes I DO actually have to help people and do "work".
Oh well, at least I can play chess while I'm doing it...
--Rein, who is not really all that keen on helping people. Especially
stupid people.