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183 games!!!!

183 games!!!!


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is what the poet has in progress in the Holy MAP War.Good lord!

The king(see vaksno profile for a really nice graphic) is currently involved in
"only" 83,oops,make that a mere 82 games.

How do you guys do it?..I mean all I see is "send move"..."send move"..ALL day long!

Talk about dedication.But surely this insanity must stop.A ceasefire should be
negotiated before they become chess hermits.Perhaps it is allready too late.....


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oh dear.My misspelling of vaknso in no way implies bias.

Oh the humanity....

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Than you for bringing this matter to my attention - I didn't realise my
games in progress had dropped to such a ridiculously low level ;-)

Better set up some more open invites!


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Unbelieveable....I couldn't handle it and would most likely end up
sticking a fish scaler through my temple due to total frustration.

I bow to you two.


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.. and yet here I am with all those game in progress having to wait for
someone to move! ;-)

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Then challenge me! I'm here ALL the time. (Though probably
somehow not as much as either of you.) (Note: Vaknso, you are more
than welcome to challenge me as well. I don't play favorites.)

--Rein, who literally does this for a living.

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Say some more. I want to hear how you make money doing this
which I assume is playing internet chess. Kirk

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Well, my job requires internet access. (I do computer technical support
at a call center). I am therefore, using a certain brand of logic, being
paid to surf the internet and then help out customers every now and
then. Thus, I am playing chess with you all while, in fact, also being
paid by the company I work for at the same time. The only downside
is that sometimes I DO actually have to help people and do "work".
Oh well, at least I can play chess while I'm doing it...

--Rein, who is not really all that keen on helping people. Especially
stupid people.

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But they're the ones who need you most, don't let them down. ;-)

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I can't *let* them down. They would need to be forcibly pushed down
to actually get any lower.


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