Ok, ladies and gents, first let's make this very clear: no Valium
nor Diazepam are part of this competition. There shall be in the
near future other competitions for such substances.
Right now, it is about Prozac and how many pills you can pop.
The starting period is tonight at 20:00 (CET) and ends tomorrow
at 10:00 (CET). The competitors must pop a Prozac pill every
30 minutes during the competition period and post in this thread
changes in their pulse, facial skin tone, hand movement, sight
or any other sense perception, and other data providing lulz.
Those who survive the longest will be rewarded with year-long
official titles given by RHP, which everybody must recognize and
use when addressing the winners, as follows:
1st Place - "Freaky's Mojo"
2nd Place - "Sitting Troll"
3rd Place - "Inglewood White Pride"
4th Place - "ATY's Space Buddy"
All those who are not within the first four places will receive a
full set of Phlabibit's Limited Edition CD/DVD Box containing all
his greatest hits as well as an autographed poster where he
poses totally naked except for his ZZ Top beard --which manages
to cover Phlab's genitals.
Those who cheat or pop Viagra instead of Prozac will be punished
with a CD/DVD box with Huck's songs.
Ready. Set. Go go go go!!
Originally posted by SeitseValium is diazepam...
Ok, ladies and gents, first let's make this very clear: no Valium
nor Diazepam
And the only difficult thing about taking a lot of Prozac is that you have to keep swallowing pills. It's not really a challenge because the effects are medium - long term.
Try harder. 😛