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60k Moves....

60k Moves....


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Sung to the tune of '16 Tons'

60k Moves

Some people say boards should be made outta wood
But R.H.P's - for me are as good
For planning and a'fightin' in the King of MAP war...
Though I've made so many moves Vak-n-so has made more!

You make sixty thousand moves
And what d'ya get?
A MAP rebel army that's in need of a vet
With squirrels and raccoons and an elephant too
And Red-Hot-Ted with his Teddy Bear Crew!

But one day you'll see - things are gonna be changed
The MAP leader table's gonna be re-arranged
Rhymester up top - where you know he belongs
With the time to put right all of Vak-n-so's wrongs

You make sixty thousand moves
And what d'ya get?
A MAP rebel army that's in need of a vet
With squirrels and raccoons and an elephant too
And Red-Hot-Ted with his Teddy Bear Crew!

So if you see me coming - better send me a game
Coz in a MAP war - every move is the same
Just look for the red star - with wings either side
Then you can play a part in a'turnin' the tide!


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Quality! If only I was able to start every Monday morning with a smile
as broad as the one I have now!

422 moves in it at the start of the day. With vaknso tucked up in bed
at the moment and then in his shop, well, might today be....'the day'?

The Squirrel Lover

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Marc, I'm not counting any chickens - I have enough problems
counting up all the other wildlife ;-) It will happen when it happens and
you know how dangerous rats are when they're cornered...


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Well no sign of any resistance so far - and ONLY 10 MOVES to go!

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*Imagines vaknso riding into town, MAP knights by his side, and then
streaking away just as Rhymester gets to within 3*

The Squirrel Lover

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Well I now have a new profile:

Rhymester says...
My 62287th move has taken me back above Vaknso in the MAP war!
Monday 25th Nov. 2002 7.54pm Move made against T1000 - loyal
supporter (Move 62286 made against Luck - one of Vaknso's 'loyal'

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