05 Jul 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedChess rating.is more than intelligence. Chess is problem solving, spatial perception, learned knowledge, and even some intuition.
I've known brilliant men, mathematician, physicist, chemists, army Colonel from the chess club here.
All were comparitively weak.
The math guy was a PhD Statistical analysis, uscf1000
-Removed-How much money would the troll Divegeester be ready to bet upon the proposition
that FMF or himself could defeat me in an OTB chess match with the strictest
security to detect and prevent any cheating? Would any of their troll allies be
ready to bet their life savings to support Divegeester or FMF?
Note that the sneering troll Divegeester has recently loudly claimed that he's certain
that the only way that I could have achieved my rating was through cheating,
though Divegeester, of course, has failed to cite any evidence of it.
In the Chess forum, I am now and have been engaging from time to time in analytical
discussions on basically equal terms with FM David H Levin (whose peak USCF rating was 2402).
While I appreciate his insights, I have corrected some errors or shortcomings in his analysis.
When he posted an endgame problem, I almost immediately solved it (perhaps I
should have waited to let other people try and fail first), whereupon he wrote that
he no longer had to post a solution because I already had done so.
It's amusing that the troll Divegeester assumes that what I did at RHP must have
been the summit of everything that I ever did or could do in playing chess.
I am terrible at chess: a bit better than 1000, maybe, when it's OTB, but not much. I might be 1300 or 1400 OTB ~ where I'd spend a few minutes over most moves. Still very ordinary. Even that's just a guess. But when the chessboard is on my PC's screen, I scarcely ever take more than 5 seconds on each snatched move. I'm not good enough to succeed given that lack of interest/patience and I'm only ever looking one move ahead [and even that move is often forgotten by the time I revisit the screen]. I'm only in it for the social life.