I've learnt plenty of strategic and tactical and god knows what other stuff here, but tonight the
flying ants came out and it feels like a whole new kind of war. Nest somewhere behind kitchen
cupboards, several indications over recent weeks of massive attack to come. Poison laid, then
watched them learn to avoid poison. Perhaps two months ago, realised THEM had unlimited access
to main food cupboard. Attempted counter–attack. Also moved cat–food bowls to higher levels– a
sign of the desperate lack of solid defense plan but thought it might cut one of the provision lines.
The next blow was from the War Chest: Funds for rippng out kitchen cupboards and getting an
expert in were, quote. 'not an option.' So, it's just growing panic right up until mid–afternoon
today. Clearly THEY had been monitoring our occasional conversations and picked their moment
with utmost precision. Only over 18, those that have experienced war-like situations, and the
bored should read on....
Morning; 'bloody hell there's a lot of ants on the floor.' 'Yeah yeah what's the big deal.'
Bring out that fine weapon, the dustpan & brush. All seems ok until midday, then suddenly at
least four or five new fronts open up: Resources very limited. Big– really big – airborne division is
unleashed. Memories of previous blighted summers wheigh heavily on the troops who are at a loss
to know what to do and become wholly demoralised. Dunkirk anyone? Suddenly a young female
officer says, 'lets move the fridge, it might just work'. We glimpse the main portal – the sight of
the massing troops is almost too much. Then, vaguely inspired, I roll out the VACUUM CLEANER.
Latest update: Five hours of relentless attack. As I speak, they're gathering again. The vacuum
bag is close to filling up – at whic point it's all over and my opponenents on this fine site will be
pitting their brains againsy invincible ant logic. So, if I get good – call security.
Definitely NOT before MY time! "Ben" was, in fact, the sequel
to "Willard," which was the name of the character who had a psychic
connection to rats, and was able to control large numbers of them with
his mind. Ben was the "king rat," so to speak. GREAT, cheesy horror
movies. Michael Jackson's song "Ben" was, indeed, the theme song
to the later movie.
The Dark Squire
Been there done that.
2 words:
Use lots of both.
First thing is identify the species.Many species have numerous
queens.These are a real bitch to get rid of.Lots of good ant sites
What you are probably seeing is the annual or semi annual migration
for new nests.They will most active in mid morning and early
evening.Do any on them have wings?
Get a good borax.Not those stupid "ant trap" thingys.Get the hard
stuff.In liquid form.Apply to nooks and crannies.Anywhere they seem
to retreat to.
Most important is to treat aggressively.
Remove pet food completely from that area.People food too 😉
Actually, it's truly spoken like a nine year old boy who's dad brought
home some chocolate covered bugs as a joke gift to his kids. But that
certain child was more curious than horrified (my older brother was
absolutely disgusted).
The chocolate covers bees were weird
The ants were pretty good. Just like....
And then me and my friend Arley had a grand old time going around
the neighborhood, knocking on doors, saying we were cub scouts and
were giving out free chocolate samples. Had to run like .... well, you
know. And I don't think it ever got back to the folks; if it had I'd
certainly still remember the beating. Since I don't, we must have
pulled it off.
Hmm, perhaps revealing more about my psyche than I should.
Ah, to be young and evil again...
Thanks to all for the advice & stuff – to Marc (mwmiller) especially who I may have pissed off with a
reply that sounded far less appreciative than was meant. Update: The hours of vacuuming, plus a
bank–busting dose of raid has destroyed them. Except that there's bound to be a few stragglers
left tending the eggs...he ho, these are the kind of tactics one would normally have to pay to
experience. At once I'm enlightened by their brilliance, desparately sad that with a cheap hoover I
wiped out vast numbers of them, and, above all, pensive about the next hot evening. Still,
somehow I feel I'm a better player for it...