Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is worth paying to play there ?
Question #3 : If you found that the site you were playing (and paying) were to suddenly change to a format where known computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
Originally posted by caissad4Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
questions about another chess site
To chess in General? No. To correspondance chess: yes
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is worth paying to play there ?
Certainly not, otherwise I would be there.
And no it doesn't really make a difference for me if beaten by a good palyer or a computer...
Originally posted by caissad4Question #1: I feel that they are a detriment to online chess (see answer to question 2).
Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is ...[text shortened]... computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
Question #2: No. I already own Fritz. No point in paying again to play it online. Unless maybe the other player had a later version...🙂
Question #3: Absolutely. I know it's a tough job catching and dealing with cheats, but it really is a requirement of an online chess site. BTW to me cheating is using an engine without other people knowing. Any site which prevents that from occurring and/or corrects the situation when it does sounds good to me. As an example I've heard some sites simply note who the engine assisted players are. That seems as fair to me as RHP's 3(b) banning rule.
Originally posted by caissad4I thought the first Medal of Honor for PS2 was great. The subsequent versions weren't quite as good.
Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is ...[text shortened]... computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
Originally posted by caissad41) it does hurt the reputation of correspondence/online chess, so yes.
Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is ...[text shortened]... computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
2) I don't play on GK for that exact reason.
3) of course.
Originally posted by caissad41: Yes, definitely.
Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is ...[text shortened]... computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
2: If there are other options, no.
3: Yes. And that's how I am feeling right now about this site, although I hope that this will be addressed properly soon.
There are two games in this world where integrity and honor count for all. Golf and Chess. These are supposed to be games of skill and gentlemanly conduct. To cheat at either is demeaning to the game and the man. There should be no allowances for cheaters in any form. I personally want no contact with this type person. Knowing I will never best in either game does not detract in any manner from my responsibility to the game. Anyone cheating is beneath contempt, and what is there when one has no honor.
Originally posted by Evil Pawn 666Well said 🙂
There are two games in this world where integrity and honor count for all. Golf and Chess. These are supposed to be games of skill and gentlemanly conduct. To cheat at either is demeaning to the game and the man. There should be no allowances for cheaters in any form. I personally want no contact with this type person. Knowing I will never best in eith ...[text shortened]... ility to the game. Anyone cheating is beneath contempt, and what is there when one has no honor.
Originally posted by Evil Pawn 666Only inordinate ambition/competition, disregard of human conduct principles
There are two games in this world where integrity and honor count for all. Golf and Chess. These are supposed to be games of skill and gentlemanly conduct. To cheat at either is demeaning to the game and the man. There should be no allowances for cheaters in any form. I personally want no contact with this type person. Knowing I will never best in eith ...[text shortened]... ility to the game. Anyone cheating is beneath contempt, and what is there when one has no honor.
and locked in arrogance. Greed, insensitivity and blackout of the soul.
Originally posted by caissad4I don't really care about what goes on at Game Knot. I care about this site. At least I used to care.
Many of us here are familiar with the site Game Knot and its' refusal to deal with known computer cheats. My own rating there is 250 points below my OTB rating while here it is 150 points below my OTB.
Question #1: Do you feel that sites which engage in this behaviour are a detriment to chess ?
Question #2 : Would you feel that a site such as that is ...[text shortened]... computer cheats were allowed to continue cheating would you feel as if you were being cheated ?
There used to be a clear cut policy. Engines were not allowed, and anyone caught cheating with one would be banned. Quite simple really.
But with the abolition of the Game Mods, it’s all become a bit confusing. Are engines allowed or not? If they’re not allowed, what measures are being taken to deal with them?
Is there a new policy or not?
I don’t mean burying your head in the sand and hoping the whole thing goes away. That might be a strategy, but it can’t be an effective policy – at least not in the long term.
I suppose these are rhetorical questions. The only people who can answer them, have preferred to keep silent on the matter. Preferred is probably the wrong word. A Trappist Monk couldn’t be more enthusiastic about not saying anything.
Well, most of the site has kept quiet. We were asked to wait a bit longer, and then a bit longer, and most have gone along with that, presumably in the expectation that their patience would be rewarded and all the questions will eventually be answered.
Let me save you some time. Your questions won’t be answered. There will be no explanations forthcoming about the removal of Game Mods. Or why the 2007 Championship, which finished ages ago, has not been awarded to anyone. Not officially anyway.
If anyone wants to know unofficially, send me a PM.
Really am not in any way an insider and certainly lay no claim to even faintly understanding all of the RHP history and issues and sub issues that
may be involved, but I have learned in Fortune 100 Corporations and in social life, over the passing years, that leadership must carry more than one
tool on its belt. Not all situations, challenges or problems are screws or nails, nor are they all effectively solved with the circular pressure of a screwdriver
or the blunt force of a hammer. Successful business is always nimble and pragmatic in recognizing the folly of solutions which may, in the long
term, carry the convoluted risk of costing more than the original bothersome problem. Big picture/long view vision is part of it. So are catalytic
approaches. For example, often it's useful to create and categorize a passive non resistance vacuum. Practical suggestion here might involve
utilizing the 'unrated game' RHP Site feature... welcoming consenting abusers of the contractually established rules to do so in that arena.Just a passing
thought on the possible fit and benefit of employing this type of decisive, transparent, cost effective and proven business application.
Originally posted by David TebbThat is so sad. You just being here added a whole lot of credence to this site, so your opinion is trusted, and slightly disheartening.
I don't really care about what goes on at Game Knot. I care about this site. At least I used to care.
There used to be a clear cut policy. Engines were not allowed, and anyone caught cheating with one would be banned. Quite simple really.
But with the abolition of the Game Mods, it’s all become a bit confusing. Are engines allowed or not? If they’r ...[text shortened]... warded to anyone. Not officially anyway.
If anyone wants to know unofficially, send me a PM.
Even though at my level, the chances playing an engine is low, i was happy to belong to a site with integrity.