I read that earlier and had a chuckle.
"Young Gordon said he wants to be a bin man when he grows up."
I once quit a promising job in London and then became a bin man, much to my parents dismay at the time. It was only a short-term thing, but I ended up doing it for 6 months before getting a job abroad.
A fine career it was too. Out of my drinking buddies, I was the only guy who could tell a hundred genuinely interesting 'things that happened to me at work today' stories at the pub in the evening.
If you ever get stuck in a lift with me one day be sure to prompt me so I can bore stupid of stories fighting with vicious dogs, being 'invited in for coffee', and catching people unawares in their back gardens...oh, they were the days....
(Oh, and none of this wheelie bin nonsense back then either)
Originally posted by angie88I think farting would be the number one thing to do instead in that situation.
... don't you think there are better things to do when stuck in a lift????
Firstly, it'd at least make all immature people laugh.... good for morale!
Secondly, it would greatly improve everyone's desire to escape the lift... making it a quicker rescue!
Thirdly, it would bond the whole lift-stuck group together as they'd all collectively focus their hate towards you. Plus then everyone would be far to angry to be scared.