So for ages my windows machine has been clunking like mad on the internet. THe last couple of days I have been geting an error message that the flash plugin has crashed. SO tonight I have completely uninstalled it. My PC is now flying. Every time I try to watch something on Youtube it insists that I need to install the flash plug in, so I click onthe big X and it plays anyway, smooth as anything. WEIRD!
So what is this Adobe plug in anyway?
Originally posted by Sicilian SausageSounds like a bunch of hoopty BS that you don't need to deal with. A virus maybe? Investigate it and let us know. That is odd...
So for ages my windows machine has been clunking like mad on the internet. THe last couple of days I have been geting an error message that the flash plugin has crashed. SO tonight I have completely uninstalled it. My PC is now flying. Every time I try to watch something on Youtube it insists that I need to install the flash plug in, so I click onth ...[text shortened]... big X and it plays anyway, smooth as anything. WEIRD!
So what is this Adobe plug in anyway?
28 Apr 12
Originally posted by Sicilian SausageIt's not Adobe, really; it's Flash originally, and it was invasive, data-stealing sh*#te back when it hadn't been bought by Adobe, as well. Put plainly, it's a the most respected Trojan on the web. You're better off without it.
So what is this Adobe plug in anyway?