Sorry, I liked misslead (Linda). I think when we come to an
international web site and gather around folks from all nations and all
environments, we have to wear our alligator skin. Maybe rhinocerous
hyde (correct my spelling) might even be better. I'm sorry to see
misslead go. I'm really not sure what it was all about. I have my
alligator skin on here and at all web sites. At times I feel easy and I
expose my soft underbelly. It's just all fun, remember. All fun. I do
this because I want to not because I have to. I wont point at anyone
in perticular. I've made mistakes here and apologized in private.
Those I have offended kept in in private. Bottom line, Wear your
alligator skin. Have fun. And remember, sometimes the other person
is just making a post in a fun way also, not alwayc meaning to offend
or belittle.
PS: No titles needed. Just from the heart.