I feel the latest events is motivated by someone trying to make
money on a lawsuit.
Everyone knows that here in America we have the first amendment
which grants us freedom of speech. But if you will notice the
disclaimer...that Chris and Russ were so smart to put in..flaming and
offensive language is not allowed.
To all of the the good site law abiding people of RHP I want to say
thank you for how this was handled..especially Flash...the use
of "f'ing" and other things said upon this person were not kind and
may have been uncalled for. But...I cannot delete that post and will
not request to by Chris and Russ to have it deleted untill EVERY
flaming post by this person has been deleted. There were numerous
posts by this person that fit into this category and all who visit here
have seen them.
From now on I ask all moderators to check themsleves on what fits
the guidelines...and I ask all members to check themselves as
well...we can get mad...we can have discussions...we can even argue
whether Bobby Fischer wears a g-string or not...but lets keep the
name calling..the flaming...and the profanity out...just like we are
supposed to.
Well said. I spend a good amount of time on heavy metal music
bulletin boards (I know, strange combo, metal and chess😉, and some
of them have the reputation, deservedly so, of being the toilets of the
Internet. In general, it has been my experience that chess players
are able to rise above such pettiness, and when they do disagree,
they can at least do so with dignity and respect. Oh, wait, that's not
just chess-players-- that's all decent human beings. End of speech.
I play better with some Metallica or Pantera rolling through my
speakers sometimes. Did you know Hetfield was a tourney player
when he was younger?
I also like to listen to classical as well sometimes...being a trumpet
player. Just depends on my mood and agression level at the time i sit
down at the computer. But metal is the best for speed chess.
But very well put I must say.
USA Captain
I had no idea Hetfield was a tourney player! I prefer something a
little more Gothic for chess atmospherics, but when I play on-line in
real time, the faster the better! Who else do you listen to besides
Metallica and Pantera? And what do you like for classical? Ralph
Vaughan Williams is my personal favorite.
Slipknot and Mudvayne are both killer, although I would like them
even better without the costumes/makeup, especially Mudvayne--
their music stands on its own. I like a LOT of European metal, bands
like Emperor, Borknagar, Cradle of Filth, Red Harvest; I also listen to
a lot of what is (unfortunately) labelled "stoner" metal-- bands like
Spirit Caravan, Dozer, Sea of Green-- lots of Sabbath influenced stuff.
And, of course, the first six Black Sabbath albums are essential
listening for all human beings!
As you say Dave, I should have practiced a bit more self moderation.
To Attila Chess:
AttilaChess, I apologize to you for my post; had I realized how offended you were going to be, I would
not have made it. I was certainly capable of critizing your comments about RHP in a more reasoned
and less confrontational manner, and regret not doing so.