Franklin I sent you an email on this...obviously part of the breakdown
of what has now become total destruction of alloymail. Sorry.
Your opponent Kyngj will be back in a few days...Gil and I okayed this.
Go ahead and start your games and he will be back shortly.
Sorry this got email went to alot of people but has been
screwing up royally as of late and now seems to be toast..
USA Captain
Watched him TWICE on HBO last night...he kills me. He actually
crashed the Monty Python reunion awhile back...of course they kicked
him off the stage with him screaming "Strange women lying round in
He was also in a movie with either Robert deNiro or Jack Nicholson
(can't remember which..sorry) called Flawless. This was actually pretty
good as it showed of course his comedic genius but that he is also a
good dramatic actor.
USA Captain