Well...i just want to say, to " xenophobe" that, i don't want to fight
and argue with him, or anyone else in this site for that matter. Time is
too short, and i just couldn't be bothered with this. I have nothing
against you!! Life is too short to be at each others throats all the time.
So, all the guilty parties, if they want this to stop, just replay to this.
No-one wants this to get any further out of hand than it already has. I
am sorry about my comments, and i extend that olive branch to
everyone, i hope you all do the same!!
Xenophobe...i don't care if you are a great player, or a bad
player...that is not my concern. I have never judged you on your
Chess. What i simply want, is for all this fighting to stop!! I hope you
will all replay to this in a positive way, and then we can start enjoying
the site again, and enjoy positive posts again...about the topics that
the threads are set up for. What i would like, is for all concerned to
just stop from this point on, and act like decent, adults...which i am
sure you all are.
PS: Time for a group hug, and back to the serious business of playing
chess, and enjoying reading each others posts.
I do not wish to argue. I hope this stops all the rubbish. I will extend
an olive branch of my own. I truly hope I have hurt no ones feelings
in all this. It was never my intention. However, like any other woman,
I retain the right to say 'no', the right to self respect, and the right to
self defense. babe