was an idiot. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wanted to remove the moon to prevent the mood swings that women suffer before their monthly periods. The governor explained, "If we get rid of the moon, women, whose menstrual cycles are governed by the moon will not get PMS They will stop bitching and whining."
Originally posted by kirksey957its a thin line for him between the movie world and the real world. Do you think this is a policy aimed to "help" women and thus gain the female vote, or an attempt to reclassify them as undesirable due to that "bitching and whining"? We know Arnie does not have much faith in "Lady Men" so imagine what he thinks of just a lady... oh we know that, its where you stick your coc.......
was an idiot. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wanted to remove the moon to prevent the mood swings that women suffer before their monthly periods. The governor explained, "If we get rid of the moon, women, whose menstrual cycles are governed by the moon will not get PMS They will stop bitching and whining."
Originally posted by latex bishopcoc..... oh coconut.
its a thin line for him between the movie world and the real world. Do you think this is a policy aimed to "help" women and thus gain the female vote, or an attempt to reclassify them as undesirable due to that "bitching and whining"? We know Arnie does not have much faith in "Lady Men" so imagine what he thinks of just a lady... oh we know that, its where you stick your coc.......
Originally posted by kirksey957You didn't think he was serious did you!??? 😀
was an idiot. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wanted to remove the moon to prevent the mood swings that women suffer before their monthly periods. The governor explained, "If we get rid of the moon, women, whose menstrual cycles are governed by the moon will not get PMS They will stop bitching and whining."