I'm leaving early friday morning for a two week backpacking trip through Eastern Europe with a friend of mine. We're starting from Helsinki (Where I live), and hope to end up in Southern Kroatia by the time our flight back to Helsinki is leaving. 🙂
We're stoping in Krakow, Poland for a few days before going to Southern Poland to do some trecking on the mountains there. (Visiting places named by people who loved long rows of consonants. How on earth do you pronounce Szczawnica?🙄) From there we're continuing on to Slovakia, though we've got no specific travel plans there - I think we'll make it up as we go along. Finally we'll take a train from Slovakia to Zagreb, stay there for a few days, and then head for the Croatian coast, moving along at a leasurely pace to Split, hoping to make our flight back on September the 6th.
So, any helpful travel experiences from those areas? Tips wellcome!
Btw. To all my opponents - I'll move whenever/if I find an internet cafe on the way. If I do miss some deadlines, remember that patience is a virtue. I'm hoping that my opponents are very virtuous! 🙂