@fmf said"Seamingly" is seemingly "Seemingly"-- apparently.
Let's declare things about each other ~ or about the world ~ but slip the word "apparently" into the sentence so that we can distance ourselves from what we claim if necessary. Feel free to use words like "Seems" and "Seamingly" and "Presumably" etc. instead of "Apparently".
@handyandy saidHandyAndy, who presumably wouldn't recognize a linguistic jape even if he found one in his cacks, apparently doesn't realize that it was a deliberate error included in order to trap him into predictably making exactly this correction.
"Seamingly" is seemingly "Seemingly"-- apparently.
Trev33 is a long-time proponent of borderless international travel who seemingly spends a disproportionate amount of time in Latin America where he presumably enjoys access to the local white powder industry. Who knows whether Trev33 supports the illegal transportation of a class A narcotic across international borders.
@divegeester saidI would hazard a guess that Trev enjoys access to the young L.American ladies even more than the white powder.
Trev33 is a long-time proponent of borderless international travel who seemingly spends a disproportionate amount of time in Latin America where he presumably enjoys access to the local white powder industry. Who knows whether Trev33 supports the illegal transportation of a class A narcotic across international borders.
The fanatically Brexit obsessed pathological lying troll divegeester seems reluctant to condemn the Dunny-on-the-Wold branch of the Mummerset White Supremacists for their attacks on the sweetshop selling liquorice. Apparently divegeester would join in the attacks given the opportunity. In fact we have no way of knowing if divegeester is the leader of the Dunny-on-the-Wold committee for racist expression.
@fmf saidApparently some people don't know how to use their thumbs correctly.
Let's declare things about each other ~ or about the world ~ but slip the word "apparently" into the sentence so that we can distance ourselves from what we claim if necessary. Feel free to use words like "Seems" and "Seamingly" and "Presumably" etc. instead of "Apparently".
I think that the idea is quite well perceived, and even if I would not think so I can't think of any good reason to thumb it down...
@ponderable saidneilarini and Relentless Red apparently believe that anonymous thumbs down are a sign of integrity and wisdom. Apparently, people who voice their disapproval are cowardly as are, er... the people who are being thumbed down anonymously. That's right. That's how it is, apparently
Apparently some people don't know how to use their thumbs correctly.