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Avenida de Mayo -Where Bobby Fischer lost his virginity

Avenida de Mayo -Where Bobby Fischer lost his virginity


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Mexican revolution from May 25 (25 de Mayo) became national holiday (by the way their Independent day is July 9th) so the biggest avenue in Buenos Aires got named after this revolution Avenida 25 de Mayo.

Argentina has also another avenue with May (mayo) in its name, Avenue of May 25th, but it wasn't dedicated do Revolution of that date, as someone might thinks, but after the birthday of former Yugoslavian statesman Marshall Tito, who had celebrated his birthday on May 25th (although he was actually born on May 4th; the reason was not to disturb students during examines).

Anyways, there was a famous chess tournament held in Buenos Aires in 1960 in Gran hotel Argentino in Carlo Pellegrini street 37.
The same hotel offered its services to the writers during the festival - "Festival Internacional de Literatura en Buenos Aires".

And, Bobby Fischer fell in love for the first time during that tournament - hence very poor score, whilst Reshevsky, his nemesis, was 1st (tied with Korchnoi).

Before the tournament Reshevsky stated: "I would settle for 19th place – if Fischer placed 20th." Buenos Aires tournament was so the only tournament on which he ended ahead Bobby Fischer.

But, the most important thing related to this tournament was, that Bobby fell in love with some Argentinian girl and lost his virginity in one of the rooms of "Gran hotel Argentino", whilst Yugoslavian chess writer and journalist Vladimir Vukovic guarded the door, so that Reshevsky doesn't get to know anything. When Reshevsky came across, Vukovic just diverted his attention by some small talk.

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