Originally posted by phishermanMy rating's still provisional; it would probably go down! That's why I'm deleting the game. Otherwise I'd have left it until he saw it later...
Mybe we all should. I wonder if he'll actually take the time to play all of them. Maybe he'll reisgn and improve all of our ratings too!😀
Originally posted by fulcherjlWell, what do you think, should we give it a go? Depending on how many games he's currently in, he has a max of 6 games per person, except himself, because he's not accepting challenges. That's 36 games, depending on how many he's taking for himself. So, I guess the question is: [b]who's in for bombarding this guy with as many games as he can take?[b] fulcherjl, I think I can count on you to pick one up. I'll start by taking on U1, and whoever else wants to join, get in line and pick a game. We'll see if we can teach this guy a lesson. 😠😏😠😏
thats a good idea phisherman.
Originally posted by fulcherjlOk, I've sent U1 and U5 a game under the same name. Any other takers? C'mon, everyone, let's hear it for cooperative vigilante justice!😵
ok, i am sending U2 U3 and U4 a game.
Just doing my part,
EDIT - I named my games "cheap way to get your rating up"....if he doesnt pick up on that little "hint", then he deserves to lose.