AttilaChess vs ytrewq
Black Hello! I see in the forums that you think you are the
best... Well, I'm better! 🙂
White You're better? We'll see about that! haha
e4, e6, Ng1f3, d5, e5, c5, c3, d4, Bf1c4, Nb8c6, d3, Ng8e7, o-o,
Ne7g6, Qd1e2, Bf8e7, Qe2e4, a6, a4, o-o, Rf1e1, Qd8d7, h4, Rf8e8,
h5, Ng6f8, Qe4g4, Ra8b8, Bc1h6, g6, Nb1d2, b5, axb5, axb5, Bc4b3,
dxc3, bxc3, Qd7xd3, Nd2e4, b4, Ra1d1, Qd3a6, Qg4f4, Nf8d7, hxg6,
hxg6, Rd1xd7, Bc8xd7, Ne4f6+, Kg8h8, 26. Bh6f8
1-0 (Black resigns)