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Black Talon

Black Talon


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I hereby declare a personal vendetta against you. ~.~

If you wish to argue/continue your stupidity,

Save it for the board.

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Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction.

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I was thinking to myself,

"Why does he need the last word?"

And I came to a conclusion:

"He's a dumbass."

A satisfying realization. ~.~

Thankyou for helping my tired, shut-in mind to realize this.

As for the game, you're not worth it. I need to spend the rest of my games playing -better- players.

Enjoy having the last word. I'm satisfied. ~.~

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Have you kids heard about IRC?

Take this crap there...

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u both sux at chess


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