22 Oct 11
Originally posted by jimslyp69Many complain in easy wind and fierce, content to curse the darkness, while a few
GF full of crapola as per effing usual.
Lot's of grand personalities thinkin they are so big.
But yet, nothing to 'em.
Good night good folks.
Whatever to the rest. x
sturdy souls and stout of heart strive against all odds attempting to light a candle.
Originally posted by jimslyp69Once upon a time there was a flood. Noah, the Thai, forgot how to build a boat. The water got bigger, and he was f cked. So he stayed awake ensuring his loved ones were safe... blah de blah.
Not yet. I'm still waiting for you to read me one of your bed time stories. What was that one about the alcoholic again? I like that one 😛