I saw a little story about him on telly last night. Wow. What a brilliant man. And even more so, what a sad, tragic figure. How sad to have everything in the world, and then lose it. Someone whould have seen to it that he made it to a good pshchiatrist a long time a go. He could have benefitted froma healthy dose of prozac early on!
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlWhen it comes down to the nitty-gritty, Bobby never had a chance cause he was raised by a disfunctional parent. Yeah, his mother was crazy. If you look at the history of screwed u people and trace their upbringing, the story repeats itself over and over again.
I saw a little story about him on telly last night. Wow. What a brilliant man. And even more so, what a sad, tragic figure. How sad to have everything in the world, and then lose it. Someone whould have seen to it that he made it to a good pshchiatrist a long time a go. He could have benefitted froma healthy dose of prozac early on!
How can any person behave 'normally' when they are brought up in a disfunctional household???
Originally posted by arrakisHis Dad (the guy married to his mother)( who Bobby adored) was banished by the mother. Turns out later, his real dad was mommy's lover-boy. Nice bitterness, good trust lesson.
When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, Bobby never had a chance cause he was raised by a disfunctional parent. Yeah, his mother was crazy. If you look at the history of screwed u people and trace their upbringing, the story repeats itself over and over again.
How can any person behave 'normally' when they are brought up in a disfunctional household???
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlIt is easy to feel sad for him.. Look at his childhood. Beyond his chess triumphs he was not raised in a loving manner with a nurishing family. He was also wronged bigtime by his detention in Japan and although i think his comments about the 9/11 tragedy and Jews are really mean and nasty, it doesn't mean he should be punished for them. He has issues with lots of people over anything you can think of, but he has a right to speak in any manner he chooses. We don't have to like it or even like him. Still ... quite a champion. I read that Kasparov said that he was the greatest because during his reign, no one was even close to his caliber of play, distancing him so far from the competition THAT in his opinion made Bobby the greatest.
I don't know. I just felt sad when I saw this show
great...no i feel sad too.