Okay, for those of you that have a mild, keen, insatiable or rampantly insane interest in Bob the Dog, there are 3 new tunes up on the website for you to take a listen to (left hand menu bar, under 'Perk Up Your Ears'😉. Comments much appreciated, although I should point out I already know they need to be re-mixed as the bass frequencies are a little high for my liking. Best listened to through your computer speakers or headphones as such.
Just to let you know, they are somewhere between 6 and 8 MBs each.
Enjoy! 🙂 http://www.dogstarr.org.uk/
Originally posted by angie88Of these three, 'Tourist' and 'Wandering Wondering' are excellent, with the former replacing 'Prokaryote Love Story' as my favourite Bob song (of the four I've heard). 'Make Yourself' is not really to my taste though.
Make yourself is not so my style, but wandering wondering is really really good... *adds it to playlist*
if you come on tour to germany... be sure to play in heidelberg... and I want a backstage ticket 😉
Angie 😀
Edit: is that you singing wandering wondering? nice voice 😉
The beginning of WW is cool -- it reminds my of an Allman Brothers song (this association lasts a couple of seconds at most though). Agreed with angie88--who's that singing, and where can more of him be heard?
EDIT 'PLS' still has the cleverest lyrics though.