I promised a list and since I can't sleep this morning...I thought I
would do it...so here goes...title and author...in no particular order.
1.Standard Chess Openings: Eric Schiller
2.The Game of Chess:Tarrasch
3.The Scandinavian:John Emms
4.Winning Chess Strategies:Yasser Seirawan
5.The Art of Chess Combination😴nosko-Borovsky
6.Nunn's Chess Openings:John Nunn
7.Novi Sad 1990:Lubomir Ftacnik
8.London 1883International Tournament:Minchin
9.Great Short games of the Chess Masters:Reinfeld
10.Morphy's Games of Chess😛hilip Sergeant
11.Mikhail Chigorin, Selected games:Efim Bogoljubov
12.Petrosian the Powerful:Andrew Soltis and Ken Smith
13.Chess in the Fast Lane:Adams
14.Josh Waitzkin's Attacking Chess:Waitzkin
15.Chess Emperors, Vassily Ivanchuk🙁No clue on author)
16.Basic Chess Endings:Rueben Fine
17.Reassess Your Chess😕ilman
18.Why You Lose at Chess:Reinfeld
19.The Art of Positional Play:Reshevsky
20.Trends in The Classical and Stonewall Dutch Vol.2:Lalic
21.Winning With The Scotch:Lane
22.Trends in the King's Gambit Vol.2:Gallagher
23.Queens Gambit,Informator D44:Beljavskij
24.Extreme Chess😛urdy
25.The Defense...1...P-QN3😕oltis
26.Reinfeld on the Endgame in Chess:Reinfeld
27.Practical Chess Endings:Chernev
28.Capablanca's Best Chess Endings:Chernev
29.How to Play Chess Endings😴nosko-Borovsky
30.360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames:A.A.Troitzky
31.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Sicillian Richter-Rauzer:lots of authors
32.The Winger, Sicillian Wing Gambit😕tauffer
33.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Ruy Lopez Exchange:lots of authors
34.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Classical King's Indian:lots
35.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Nimzo-India 4.Qc2:lots
36.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Slav Exchange:lots
37.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Queen Gambit Declined:Meran :lots
38.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, QGD 5.Bf4:lots
39.Blackmar-Diemer Gambit:Lane
40.Alapin French:Tim Sawyer
41.Scotch 4...Qh4:John Hall
42.US Chess federation's Officail Rules of Chess:??
43.Beating the Sicillian 3:Nunn and Gallagher
44.Russians Vs Fischer😛lisetsky and Voronkov
45.Bobby Fischer, My 60 Memorable Games (HB 1st print):Fischer
46.The World's Greatest Chess games:Fine
47.NY International Chess Tournament 1984:Naier
48.The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played:Chernev
49.The Chess Player #10 1975:??
50.Leningrad Interzonal 1973:Chess Digest(Ken Smith)
51.60 Best games 1972:Chess Digest(Ken Smith)
52.Epic battles of The Chess Board:Coles
53.The World's Greates Chess Games:Burgess,Nunn, and Emms
54.Power Mates😛andolfini
55.The Best of Chess Life and Review Vol.1😛andolfini
56.The best of Chess Life and Review Vol.2😛andolfini
57.The Complete Ency. Of Chess Openings, Dutch A86-A87:HoM
58.The Complete Ency. Of Chess Openings, Dutch A88-A89:HoM
59.Hypermodern Chess:Reinfeld
60.The Latvian Gambit:Kosten
61.Mastering Chess:Kopec, Chandler, Morrison, Davies, Mullen(signed
by Kopek)
62.The Sorcerer's Apprentice;Bronstein
63.Half a Century of Chess:Botvinnik
64.Winning With the Philidor:Kosten
65.Samurai Chess:Gelb and Keene
66.The Oxford Companion to Chess:Hooper and Whyld
67.My System:Nimzowitsch
68.World Champion Openings😕chiller
69.Trends in the Classical and Stonewall Dutch Vol I:McNab
70.Game Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, Dutch A89😲lomuch
71.Modern Stonewall Dutch😕chiller
72.Winning with the Najdorf:King
73.The Complete c3 Sicilian:Chandler
74.The Philidor Defense, Larsen Variation:Heiling (in German)
75.Die Philidor Verteidigung:Cermak(in German)
76.Philidor's Defense A Re-Appraisal:Harding
77.The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings:Fine
78.The Chess of Bobby Fischer:Burger
79.Winning Chess Traps:Chernev
80.Winning Chess Openings:Robertie
81.Dynamic Black Defenses:Harding
82.Dynamic White Openings:Harding
83.Gambit Opening Repetoire For Black😕chiller
84.The March of Chess Ideas😕aidy
85.How Fischer Plays Chess:Levy
86.1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations:Reinfeld
87.Opening Preparation😀voretsky
88.Fischer, His Approach to Chess:Agur
89.How to Beat Bobby Fischer:Mednis
91.Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess:Fischer
92.Secrets of Chess Tactics😀voretsky
93.My 60 Memorable Games:Fischer (algebraic, updated version)
94.The Complete Games of Bobby Fischer:Wade
95.Dutch Defense:Christiansen, Silman
96.Modern Chess Opening, Semi-Open Games:Russian Collaborator
97.Mikhail Tal Master of Sacrifice:Clarke
98.Training for the Tournament Player😀voretsky
99.Bobby Fischer-The Greatest?:Euwe
100.Bobby Fischer, Profile of a Prodigy:Brady
101.A Legend on the Road,Bobby Fischer's 1964 Simul Tour😀onaldson
102.Bobby Fischer's Outrageous Chess Moves😛andolfini
103.Technique for the Tournament Player😀voretsky
104.Positional Play😀voretsky
105.Secrets of Chess Training😀voretsky
106.The Art of Attack in Chess:Vukovic
107.The Treasury of Chess Lore:Reinfeld
108.Unorthodox Chess Openings😕chiller
109.The American Chess Players Handbook (1934):John C. Winston co
110.Modern Chess Openings V14😀e Firmian
111.Interxonal Chess Tournament 1970:Wade, Blackstock
112.Lasker's Manual of Chess:Lasker
113.Queen Sacrifice:Neishtadt
114.Weapons of Chess😛andolfini
115.The Genius of Paul Morphy:Ward
116.Emanuel Lasker, The Life of a Chess Master:Hannak
117.Winning With Chess Psychology:Benko
118.The Immortal Games of Capablanca:Reinfeld
119.Pillsbury The Extraordinary😕oltis
120.Candidates Matches 1971:Cafferty
121.Complete Games of Alekhine V2 1921-1924:Fiala, Kalendovsky
122.107 Great Chess Battles 1939-1945:Alekhine
123.The Unknown Alekhine 1905-1914:Reinfeld
124.Nigel Short World chess Challenger:Keene
125.Nigel Short, Quest for the Crown:Forbes
126.Short:Martin,Tisdall, O'Brien
127.Jon Speelman's Best Games😕peelman
128.Alekhine's Best Games of Chess 1938-1945:C.H.O'D.Alexander
129.How To Play Better Chess:Reinfeld
130.H.O.T. Chess:Motwani
131.C.O.O.L. Chess:Motwani
132.S.T.A.R. Chess:Motwani
133.Better Chess:Gillam
134.Improve Your Chess:Gillam
135.Your Move:Gillam
136.Winning At Chess:Gillam
137.Chess Made Easy:Hanauer
138.Middlegame, The Defense Triumphs:Kotkov
139.How To Be a Winner At Chess:Reinfeld
140.the Logical Approach to Chess:Euwe
141.Pawn Power in Chess:Kmoch
142.First Book of Chess:Horowitz, Reinfeld
143.Pawn Structure Chess😕oltis
144.Modern Chess Strategy😛achman
145.The Inner Game of Chess😕oltis
146.How To Force Checkmate:Reinfeld
147.The Art of the Middle Game:Keres,Kotov
148.The Middle Game in Chess😴nosko-Borovsky
149.200 Classic Chess Puzzles:Greif
150.The Art of Defense in Chess😕oltis
151.Great Chess Victories and Defeats:Robert Byrne
152.The Chess Players:Keyes
153.Chess Openings Traps and Zaps😛andolfini
154.Winning With the Schliemann:Tseitlin
155.No Regrets, Fischer-Spassky1992😕eirawan
156.Fischer-Spassky II The Return of A Legend:Keene
157.The Fischer Spassky Games:Reshevsky
158.Fischer vs. Spassky, The Chess Match of the Century:Gligoric
159.Fischer_Spassky 1992:Condon
160.Bobby Fischer The $5,000,000 Comeback: Davies
161.The 1992 Rematch😛eters
162.Chess World Championship 1972:Evans and Smith
163.Fischer-Spassky 1992😕hamkovich
164.Bobby Fischer 1955-1960:Eseuve
165.Bobby Fischer 1961-1967:Eseuve
166.Bobby Fischer 1968-1992:Eseuve
167.Chess Praxis:Nimzowitsch (algebraic version)
168.Attack With Mikhail Tal:Tal
170.Mikhail Tal Games 1949-1962:Chess Stars
171.Mikhail Tal Games 1962-1972:Chess Stars
172.The Chess Games of Adolph Anderssen:Burnett
173.Zurich International Chess Tournament 1953:Bronstein
174.The Modern Chess Self-Tutor:Bronstein
175.How Karpov Wins:Mednis
176.200 Open Games:Bronstein
177.Searching for Bobby Fischer:Waitzkin
178.Paul Morphy and the Golden Age of Chess:Horowitz
179.Sharpen Your Tactics:Lein
180.Samuel Reshevsky:Gordon
181.Averbakh's Selected Games:Averbakh
182.Complete Games of Alekhine VI 1892-1921:Kalendovsky
183.Chess Praxis:Nimzovich (Descriptive Notation)
184.Smyslov's 125 Selected Games😕myslov's
185.Fire On Board, Shirov's Best Games😕hirov
186.The Way to Linares' Summit😕hort and Timman
187.Players Chess Annual II😛ublisher Rickford
188.Players Chess Annual III😛ublisher Rickford
189.The Art of Chess:Mason
190.The Dynamic Philidor Counter-Gambit:West
191.The Polgar Sisters:Forbes
192.How Good is Your Chess?:Barden
193.My Best Games of Chess 1908-1937:Alekhine (2 Vol bound as 1)
194.The King in Jeopardy😛alatnik,Alburt
195.Combination Challenge:Hays, Hall
196.Winning Chess Strategies😕eirawan
197.Confessions of a Grandmaster😕oltis
198.Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur:Euwe
199.Lessons From My Games:Fine
200.Trends in the Philidor:Kosten
201.Combinations in the Middlegame:Bondarevsky
202.Comprehensive Chess Endings V I:Averbakh
203.Comprehensive Chess Endings V II:Averbakh
204.Comprehensive Chess Endings V III: Averbakh
205.Comprehensive Chess Endings V IV:Averbakh
206.Comperhensive Chess Endings V V:Averbakh
207.Informant #50
208.Informant #52
209.Informant #53
210.Informant #55
211. Informant #56
212. Informant #57
213. Informant #58
214. Informant #59
215.Informant #62
216. Informant #65
217. Informant #67
218. Informant #69
219. Informant #70
220. Informant#72
221. Informant #35
222. Informant #36
223. New In Chess Year book #30
224.Winning Chess Openings: Seirawan
225.Marshall-Angriff:Krogius, Mazukewitsch
226.Sizilianisch Morra-Gambit: Polugajewski
227.Sizilianisch Drachensystem😛olugajewski
229.Spanisch (Breyer system): Suetin
230.DamenGambit Tschigorin System😛olugajewski
232.Grunfeld-Indisch Hauptsystem😕uetin
233.Sizilianisch Rauser-Angriff Sosin System😛olugajewski
234.Franzosisch Nimsowitsch-Eroffnung😕uetin
235.Modernes Benoni Wolga Gambit:Taimanow
236.Nimzowitsch-Indisch Rubinstien system:Taimanow
Well there ya go...I think that is all of them.