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Boring forums

Boring forums


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Hi there ye all.

I cant handle this anymore the forums have become ,well,boring.I
have had it.We need some original posts.Not about timing people out
etc.I enjoyed Mark's post about music,Schliemanns post about the kid
he played in the one tournament,even the MAP WAR.But lately
everyone seem to be depressed.Complaining about smelly feet,wax
in their ears,taxes and television.Oh yes and another thing.Please
stop posting threats to leave the site.I dont mean like when you
thank everyone for a nice time,those I like.I mean threatening as
follows:I have had it with RHP.You have forced me to leave this site,I
cant play here anymore there are much better sites out there(address
follows) and that makes me sad....This it my last posting....

Then the next day this guy is back.How many of these things does he
she it,post to how many different sites.If you want to go.GO.We are
not keeping you here.

So please most of us come here to escape from a hectic,rushed
life.Make it enjoyable.Laugh a little.

One more thing,to do with timeouts,ratings etc.If it is only a game
why keep score?If it doesnt matter why dont we just play one another?
Win or lose doesnt matter.Then why do we have Schliemanns,David
Tebbs,Sintubins,bbarrs and many more.These guys are all some of
the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of playing.Most of the
guys I play regularly beat me time and again,Shougi,T1000,Koos,and
many more.I play them and I lose,but that doesnt mean winning
doesnt matter.I like winning and I am sure so do most of you.

What I am trying to say is this:I love this site and its people.Ratings
matter to me.It is a way to measure my performance.Winning matters
to me.That is what makes playing any sport or game fun.Not winning
alone,but knowing that you might lose.

Okay,now send me to the gallows.

Thinking about his last meal.(A cold one) :o)

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Well said Johan. I've enjoyed both our games and conversation.
You're right about the fourms, of course. At their best the forums are
a community; at their worst they are a place for threats, mud-slinging
(to which I have on occassion unfortunately succumb), etc.

Drinking a Seattle latt'e, wishing for a morning beer.

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Thanks for posting what (I'm sure) many of us silent watchers are
thinking. I am new to chess and RHP and enjoying it much more than
I thought I would. Forums are fun to read at RHP from time to
time...but not long and drawn out posts that reflect the inability to
interact with others. I, myself will continue to happily play chess on
this site, and have my own funny and insane conversations with my
playing partners in the privacy of our own games. 🙂
A Happy Chess Virgin

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They have gotten al ittle dull as of late haven't they. But it seems the
only time they really liven up is when someone either slams someone
else or someone tells a good story. I of course (even though some
may not believe it) would always rather have the latter. But it doesn't
happen as often as we like.

I swear that stupid story of the little snot nosed crumb snatcher seems
to be a popular one. And the funniest thing it is all true. I wonder
where that kid is now.

Oh well...yohann just for you I will try and remember another good
one..although from the popularity of that one I doubt I can top
it...most of the time when I wasn't playing in the tourney I was in the


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Maybe he grew up to be tuco.

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I agree,
Let's party.

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mr. johan, u are so boring.....
i have done my best to liven up these forums, to bring out
the 'shadows' in other people's lives (aka , the sphere by michael
crichton), but shleeman in his infinirte wisdom sees me as a threat to
his 'popularity' and therefore deletes these messages.....
the only conclusion i can draw is that he is scared of me, otherwise why
delete my messages when they contain no vulgar language??
if they are bad messages, he can influence his friends not to reply
and using jungian psychology, i ought to leave for lack of any replies
thus infering to a lack of attention...........
but as they say, you can shoot urself in the foot again and again....
hey shleeman, i wanna ask you, do u have any feet left??????
as for u johan..... how about visiting atlantic chess.com, there people
are more boring, so please feel free to leave.....

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Anyone can change their mind.
I love this site,so if i leave it and come back,so what?
You have touched a nerve,Johan.
I Am addicted.I am the bad penny that keeps comming back.

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Having posted on other forums before, I've seen the ebb and flow of conversation. It comes and
goes - sometimes you can't keep up with a thread, sometimes you wait for weeks to read
something interesting. Wait around, I'm sure things will pick up.

As for scoring, as a newbie, I like the scores because it lets me know who I am playing against and
an approximation of their ability relative to mine. That way I know whether I'm playing someone is
roughly equal to me, or someone who will really challenge me because of their greater experience
and knowledge of the game.


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