now I am back i intend to celibrate I dont know whether to get mortaled on 10 cans of Special Brew or go on a Newcatle Broon Bender,I have allready supped 2 bottles of Grouse, no no hang on I am lying again it was.....3 Bottles ,Cheers to my many Fans lets let the good times roll once again.
@dredbadger saidI have decided not to get involved in arguments with gobby little runts, so if you are this person please refrain from annoying me, that does not mean I wont be holding pompous peoples feet to the fire.Apparenty Russ removed me (not true) I was Banned (not true),
now I am back i intend to celibrate I dont know whether to get mortaled on 10 cans of Special Brew or go on a Newcatle Broon Bender,I have allready supped 2 bottles of Grouse, no no hang on I am lying again it was.....3 Bottles ,Cheers to my many Fans lets let the good times roll once again.
@dredbadger saidReckon I touched a nerve all ready,only back an hour or two and its gone from "welcome back" to "your the gobby runt" & I can"only drink as much as a" pre-pubecent schoolchild".oh and im not interesting blah....oh and I am a liar.NORMAL SERVICE RESUMED AS USUAL
I have decided not to get involved in arguments with gobby little runts, so if you are this person please refrain from annoying me, that does not mean I wont be holding pompous peoples feet to the fire.Apparenty Russ removed me (not true) I was Banned (not true),