13 Apr 05
Originally posted by Nyxieyes exactly.. many beginners do this and not thinking they cant move them back.. I heard a GM say that..
I've beaten the slow pawn once, he uses a good combination of knights and pawns, hard to break through. I had to change my game style to beat him.
He does work them"slow" though, if that's what you mean, pushing them too fast is really bad.
wouldn't you agree while jimslyp69 is moving his pawns .. bowman is securing posistions getting ready for some tactical combinations.. I think bowmans pieces cover alot more squares than the pawns..??
see how bowman used C6 for his queen.. that wouldn't of happened if jimmys pawns was on their orignal squares..
black needs to setup defense at start of game.. white is attacking.. but if the tables turn.. black needs to alter his mindset and start start attacking.. and white needs to start defending..
HEY, I didn't know there was a thread all about me!
OK. Seems I've been accused of playing "lowbies" in order to boost my rating. Well, for your information I have challenged stronger players.
But they cancel the games for unknown reasons (I suspect many elitist subscribers don't entertain non-subscribers). Or they're not accepting any more challenges at that time. Or they refuse to play those under a certain rating...
Get the picture?
Originally posted by Bowmannhey man dont chicken curry.. when i started this site.. i had rating of 1200 was only playing people with similar rating seams like nobody wants to play lower rated players as they have more to lose than rating shot upto 1400 then.. I was still playing lower rating players I think.. I may of dropped my guard a bit cos went back down again.. my rating is fluctuating between 1300&1400 on few networks.. must be my real rating in llife.. when i started a year ago was having trouble staying at 1200.. so atleast I know im improving.. I still make the same mistakes over and over.. and know instantly after i click "move".. then want to chop my hands off...
HEY, I didn't know there was a thread all about me!
OK. Seems I've been accused of playing "lowbies" in order to boost my rating. Well, for your information I have challenged stronger players.
But they cancel the games for unknown ...[text shortened]... refuse to play those under a certain rating...
Get the picture?
this is my greatest victory was also the most fun game i've had was a lot of taunting going on between both players which made it so much more fun.. Game 1058978 🙂 😀 also started to physically poo myself when he took my center pawn for free heheh