Calendar Slot Machine...
Calendar Slot Machine has been hot in recent years: Three reels have locked on 01-01-01, 02-02-02, 03-03-03, 04-04-04, 05-05-05, 06-06-06, 07-07-07, 08-08-08, 09-09-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11. Next hit? Year away, in December 12, 2012 (12-12-12).
Then what? Forget it. Bandit's going cold. Pay Window will be stingy. Lady Luck's going on vacation. Next hit will be cashed by our children's children and their children, etc, in the Year of Our Lord January 1, 3001 (01-01-01). Skeeter wept.
11 Sep 11
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyJanuary 1st 2101?
[b]Calendar Slot Machine...
Calendar Slot Machine has been hot in recent years: Three reels have locked on 01-01-01, 02-02-02, 03-03-03, 04-04-04, 05-05-05, 06-06-06, 07-07-07, 08-08-08, 09-09-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11. Next hit? Year away, in December 12, 2012 (12-12-12).
Then what? Forget it. Bandit's going cold. Pay Window will be stingy. La ...[text shortened]... children, etc, in the Year of Our Lord January 1, 3001 (01-01-01). Skeeter wept.
Maths is obviously not your forte.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyPlease note correction.
Calendar Slot Machine...
Calendar Slot Machine has been hot in recent years: Three reels have locked on 01-01-01, 02-02-02, 03-03-03, 04-04-04, 05-05-05, 06-06-06, 07-07-07, 08-08-08, 09-09-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11. Next hit? Year away, in December 12, 2012 (12-12-12).
Then what? Forget it. Bandit's going cold. Pay Window will be stingy. Lad ...[text shortened]... etc, in the Year of Our Lord January 1, 2001 (01-01-01). Skeeter wept.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyFinal correction. By God, I think we've got it!
Calendar Slot Machine...
Calendar Slot Machine has been hot in recent years: Three reels have locked on 01-01-01, 02-02-02, 03-03-03, 04-04-04, 05-05-05, 06-06-06, 07-07-07, 08-08-08, 09-09-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11. Next hit? Year away, in December 12, 2012 (12-12-12).
Then what? Forget it. Bandit's going cold. Pay Window will be stingy. La , in the Year of Our Lord January 1, 2101 (01-01-01). Skeeter wept.
11 Sep 11
Originally posted by jimslyp69Merci, Jim. No excuse. Maybe I should call on your cell next time I attempt any general
Please note that your correction is also incorrect. We've already done 2001, ten years ago. I'm going to stop now anyway, before I get accused of being a pedant.
forum stuff involving math. Nah, my New England accent might also go down sideways.
Originally posted by jimslyp69Astute observation, Jim. Should have known personal financial management would also be one of your areas of exceptional savvy. Perhaps 'more expensive' but then, again, knowing I've been given the option doesn't necessarily suggest I must use it...
A bit more expensive than posting here I reckon.
at least not until the 21st Century rolls around.