find the post that I made listing all of my books a LONG time ago?
I need it due to the fact something kinda bad popped up and due to
this I will be taking the Library in and selling it today.
I know I will take a beating from hell on what it is actually worth
(about $6000 give or take) but only real good alternative I have.
So if someone can locate that post...I tried but no luck...I would really
appreciate it.
I can't understand this...I've copied and pasted the list in twice now
and it hasn't worked either time. I'll try and do it in two halves...
Posted by Schliemann [22 March 2002 20:32]
I promised a list and since I can't sleep this morning...I thought I
would do here goes...title and no particular order.
1.Standard Chess Openings: Eric Schiller
2.The Game of Chess:Tarrasch
3.The Scandinavian:John Emms
4.Winning Chess Strategies:Yasser Seirawan
5.The Art of Chess Combination😴nosko-Borovsky
6.Nunn's Chess Openings:John Nunn
7.Novi Sad 1990:Lubomir Ftacnik
8.London 1883International Tournament:Minchin
9.Great Short games of the Chess Masters:Reinfeld
10.Morphy's Games of Chess😛hilip Sergeant
11.Mikhail Chigorin, Selected games:Efim Bogoljubov
12.Petrosian the Powerful:Andrew Soltis and Ken Smith
13.Chess in the Fast Lane:Adams
14.Josh Waitzkin's Attacking Chess:Waitzkin
15.Chess Emperors, Vassily Ivanchuk🙁No clue on author)
16.Basic Chess Endings:Rueben Fine
17.Reassess Your Chess😕ilman
18.Why You Lose at Chess:Reinfeld
19.The Art of Positional Play:Reshevsky
20.Trends in The Classical and Stonewall Dutch Vol.2:Lalic
21.Winning With The Scotch:Lane
22.Trends in the King's Gambit Vol.2:Gallagher
23.Queens Gambit,Informator D44:Beljavskij
24.Extreme Chess😛urdy
25.The Defense...1...P-QN3😕oltis
26.Reinfeld on the Endgame in Chess:Reinfeld
27.Practical Chess Endings:Chernev
28.Capablanca's Best Chess Endings:Chernev
29.How to Play Chess Endings😴nosko-Borovsky
30.360 Brilliant and Instructive Endgames:A.A.Troitzky
31.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Sicillian Richter-Rauzer:lots of authors
32.The Winger, Sicillian Wing Gambit😕tauffer
33.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Ruy Lopez Exchange:lots of authors
34.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Classical King's Indian:lots
35.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Nimzo-India 4.Qc2:lots
36.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Slav Exchange:lots
37.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, Queen Gambit Declined:Meran :lots
38.Fide Chess Encyclopedia, QGD 5.Bf4:lots
39.Blackmar-Diemer Gambit:Lane
40.Alapin French:Tim Sawyer
41.Scotch 4...Qh4:John Hall
42.US Chess federation's Officail Rules of Chess:??
43.Beating the Sicillian 3:Nunn and Gallagher
44.Russians Vs Fischer😛lisetsky and Voronkov
45.Bobby Fischer, My 60 Memorable Games (HB 1st print):Fischer
46.The World's Greatest Chess games:Fine
47.NY International Chess Tournament 1984:Naier
48.The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played:Chernev
49.The Chess Player #10 1975:??
50.Leningrad Interzonal 1973:Chess Digest(Ken Smith)
51.60 Best games 1972:Chess Digest(Ken Smith)
52.Epic battles of The Chess Board:Coles
53.The World's Greates Chess Games:Burgess,Nunn, and Emms
54.Power Mates😛andolfini
55.The Best of Chess Life and Review Vol.1😛andolfini
56.The best of Chess Life and Review Vol.2😛andolfini
57.The Complete Ency. Of Chess Openings, Dutch A86-A87:HoM
58.The Complete Ency. Of Chess Openings, Dutch A88-A89:HoM
59.Hypermodern Chess:Reinfeld
60.The Latvian Gambit:Kosten
61.Mastering Chess:Kopec, Chandler, Morrison, Davies, Mullen(signed
by Kopek)
62.The Sorcerer's Apprentice;Bronstein
63.Half a Century of Chess:Botvinnik
64.Winning With the Philidor:Kosten
65.Samurai Chess:Gelb and Keene
66.The Oxford Companion to Chess:Hooper and Whyld
67.My System:Nimzowitsch
68.World Champion Openings😕chiller
69.Trends in the Classical and Stonewall Dutch Vol I:McNab
70.Game Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, Dutch A89😲lomuch
71.Modern Stonewall Dutch😕chiller
72.Winning with the Najdorf:King
73.The Complete c3 Sicilian:Chandler
74.The Philidor Defense, Larsen Variation:Heiling (in German)
75.Die Philidor Verteidigung:Cermak(in German)
76.Philidor's Defense A Re-Appraisal:Harding
77.The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings:Fine
78.The Chess of Bobby Fischer:Burger
79.Winning Chess Traps:Chernev
80.Winning Chess Openings:Robertie
81.Dynamic Black Defenses:Harding
82.Dynamic White Openings:Harding
83.Gambit Opening Repetoire For Black😕chiller
84.The March of Chess Ideas😕aidy
85.How Fischer Plays Chess:Levy
86.1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations:Reinfeld
87.Opening Preparation😀voretsky
88.Fischer, His Approach to Chess:Agur
89.How to Beat Bobby Fischer:Mednis
91.Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess:Fischer
92.Secrets of Chess Tactics😀voretsky
93.My 60 Memorable Games:Fischer (algebraic, updated version)
94.The Complete Games of Bobby Fischer:Wade
95.Dutch Defense:Christiansen, Silman
96.Modern Chess Opening, Semi-Open Games:Russian Collaborator
97.Mikhail Tal Master of Sacrifice:Clarke
98.Training for the Tournament Player😀voretsky
99.Bobby Fischer-The Greatest?:Euwe
100.Bobby Fischer, Profile of a Prodigy:Brady
101.A Legend on the Road,Bobby Fischer's 1964 Simul
102.Bobby Fischer's Outrageous Chess Moves😛andolfini
103.Technique for the Tournament Player😀voretsky
104.Positional Play😀voretsky
105.Secrets of Chess Training😀voretsky
106.The Art of Attack in Chess:Vukovic
107.The Treasury of Chess Lore:Reinfeld
108.Unorthodox Chess Openings😕chiller
109.The American Chess Players Handbook (1934):John C. Winston
110.Modern Chess Openings V14😀e Firmian
111.Interxonal Chess Tournament 1970:Wade, Blackstock
112.Lasker's Manual of Chess:Lasker
113.Queen Sacrifice:Neishtadt
114.Weapons of Chess😛andolfini
115.The Genius of Paul Morphy:Ward
116.Emanuel Lasker, The Life of a Chess Master:Hannak
117.Winning With Chess Psychology:Benko
118.The Immortal Games of Capablanca:Reinfeld
119.Pillsbury The Extraordinary😕oltis
120.Candidates Matches 1971:Cafferty
Phew. Now, the second half *begins to wonder why he just didn't post
the link*
Posted by Schliemann [22 March 2002 20:32]
I promised a list and since I can't sleep this morning...I thought I
would do here goes...title and no particular order.
121.Complete Games of Alekhine V2 1921-1924:Fiala, Kalendovsky
122.107 Great Chess Battles 1939-1945:Alekhine
123.The Unknown Alekhine 1905-1914:Reinfeld
124.Nigel Short World chess Challenger:Keene
125.Nigel Short, Quest for the Crown:Forbes
126.Short:Martin,Tisdall, O'Brien
127.Jon Speelman's Best Games😕peelman
128.Alekhine's Best Games of Chess 1938-1945:C.H.O'D.Alexander
129.How To Play Better Chess:Reinfeld
130.H.O.T. Chess:Motwani
131.C.O.O.L. Chess:Motwani
132.S.T.A.R. Chess:Motwani
133.Better Chess:Gillam
134.Improve Your Chess:Gillam
135.Your Move:Gillam
136.Winning At Chess:Gillam
137.Chess Made Easy:Hanauer
138.Middlegame, The Defense Triumphs:Kotkov
139.How To Be a Winner At Chess:Reinfeld
140.the Logical Approach to Chess:Euwe
141.Pawn Power in Chess:Kmoch
142.First Book of Chess:Horowitz, Reinfeld
143.Pawn Structure Chess😕oltis
144.Modern Chess Strategy😛achman
145.The Inner Game of Chess😕oltis
146.How To Force Checkmate:Reinfeld
147.The Art of the Middle Game:Keres,Kotov
148.The Middle Game in Chess😴nosko-Borovsky
149.200 Classic Chess Puzzles:Greif
150.The Art of Defense in Chess😕oltis
151.Great Chess Victories and Defeats:Robert Byrne
152.The Chess Players:Keyes
153.Chess Openings Traps and Zaps😛andolfini
154.Winning With the Schliemann:Tseitlin
155.No Regrets, Fischer-Spassky1992😕eirawan
156.Fischer-Spassky II The Return of A Legend:Keene
157.The Fischer Spassky Games:Reshevsky
158.Fischer vs. Spassky, The Chess Match of the Century:Gligoric
159.Fischer_Spassky 1992:Condon
160.Bobby Fischer The $5,000,000 Comeback: Davies
161.The 1992 Rematch😛eters
162.Chess World Championship 1972:Evans and Smith
163.Fischer-Spassky 1992😕hamkovich
164.Bobby Fischer 1955-1960:Eseuve
165.Bobby Fischer 1961-1967:Eseuve
166.Bobby Fischer 1968-1992:Eseuve
167.Chess Praxis:Nimzowitsch (algebraic version)
168.Attack With Mikhail Tal:Tal
170.Mikhail Tal Games 1949-1962:Chess Stars
171.Mikhail Tal Games 1962-1972:Chess Stars
172.The Chess Games of Adolph Anderssen:Burnett
173.Zurich International Chess Tournament 1953:Bronstein
174.The Modern Chess Self-Tutor:Bronstein
175.How Karpov Wins:Mednis
176.200 Open Games:Bronstein
177.Searching for Bobby Fischer:Waitzkin
178.Paul Morphy and the Golden Age of Chess:Horowitz
179.Sharpen Your Tactics:Lein
180.Samuel Reshevsky:Gordon
181.Averbakh's Selected Games:Averbakh
182.Complete Games of Alekhine VI 1892-1921:Kalendovsky
183.Chess Praxis:Nimzovich (Descriptive Notation)
184.Smyslov's 125 Selected Games😕myslov's
185.Fire On Board, Shirov's Best Games😕hirov
186.The Way to Linares' Summit😕hort and Timman
187.Players Chess Annual II😛ublisher Rickford
188.Players Chess Annual III😛ublisher Rickford
189.The Art of Chess:Mason
190.The Dynamic Philidor Counter-Gambit:West
191.The Polgar Sisters:Forbes
192.How Good is Your Chess?:Barden
193.My Best Games of Chess 1908-1937:Alekhine (2 Vol bound as 1)
194.The King in Jeopardy😛alatnik,Alburt
195.Combination Challenge:Hays, Hall
196.Winning Chess Strategies😕eirawan
197.Confessions of a Grandmaster😕oltis
198.Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur:Euwe
199.Lessons From My Games:Fine
200.Trends in the Philidor:Kosten
201.Combinations in the Middlegame:Bondarevsky
202.Comprehensive Chess Endings V I:Averbakh
203.Comprehensive Chess Endings V II:Averbakh
204.Comprehensive Chess Endings V III: Averbakh
205.Comprehensive Chess Endings V IV:Averbakh
206.Comperhensive Chess Endings V V:Averbakh
207.Informant #50
208.Informant #52
209.Informant #53
210.Informant #55
211. Informant #56
212. Informant #57
213. Informant #58
214. Informant #59
215.Informant #62
216. Informant #65
217. Informant #67
218. Informant #69
219. Informant #70
220. Informant#72
221. Informant #35
222. Informant #36
223. New In Chess Year book #30
224.Winning Chess Openings: Seirawan
225.Marshall-Angriff:Krogius, Mazukewitsch
226.Sizilianisch Morra-Gambit: Polugajewski
227.Sizilianisch Drachensystem😛olugajewski
229.Spanisch (Breyer system): Suetin
230.DamenGambit Tschigorin System😛olugajewski
232.Grunfeld-Indisch Hauptsystem😕uetin
233.Sizilianisch Rauser-Angriff Sosin System😛olugajewski
234.Franzosisch Nimsowitsch-Eroffnung😕uetin
235.Modernes Benoni Wolga Gambit:Taimanow
236.Nimzowitsch-Indisch Rubinstien system:Taimanow
Tony...I bought some good deals over the days...I have some crap on
the Queen's Gambit and the Richter Rauzer attack That I have NEVER
But it was always there for reference if I needed it...that is the whole
I spent a LONG time compiling this library...and am very proud of it.
Okay...who is the highest bidder for it all?
Look, that pawn and I go way back, we wuz in 'Nam together, he saved my life more times than I
can count. I owe him. So what, so I sent some Seminary Boy Fresh from ROTC Bishop in to pull his
ass out of the fire. That bishop, well, he was always going on about God's Kingdom anyway, guess
he's gonna be happy he's going there soon. But that pawn, we blood you see....