Originally posted by Poison GodmachineI got 15. Number 13 was definitely one of the scariest. I was also impressed with how many of the appeared to have lazy eyes. 🙂
I got 14 of the 20 correct, but I think I had some lucky guesses. And some of those people are downright scary (see #13)!
~ Cheshire Cat 😀
Well, a schizoid is not crazy [the similarity in words to 'schizophrenic' comes not from similarity in the conditions, but because they both derive from the word 'schism' or 'split'. 'Schizophrenia' literally refers to a 'split mind' (I think).]
Schizoid 'personality disorder' is characterized by satisfaction with being separate or alone, as well as some degree of emotional neutrality. I don't really like to think of anyone's mental state as being a 'disease' though I am often (usually jokingly) referred to as being something of a schizoid myself 😉.