If these guys are known cheaters, the site admin would have punished them by now, they would have either been kicked off, or severally reprimanded. If they are still playing because they promised to be good, or if they innocent. Then this thread is like kicking somebody when they are down. If they have left its not needed, if they have been punished already its not needed and if they are innocent it is not needed.
It is a bad idea.
Originally posted by Jay PeateaI second that.....
If these guys are known cheaters, the site admin would have punished them by now, they would have either been kicked off, or severally reprimanded. If they are still playing because they promised to be good, or if they innocent. Then this thread is like kicking somebody when they are down. If they have left its not needed, if they have been punished already its not needed and if they are innocent it is not needed.
It is a bad idea.
These forums would be much nicer without threads like this.
Originally posted by marinakatombDude...
Seeing as we don't have an effective way of dealing with cheats (yet),. i thought it might be prudent to keep an on going list of [b]known cheats. Please don't use this thread to accuse people, only players who are accepted to be cheating should go here. So, these are the ones i know of....
James Woodley
forevergreenwithenvy (by own admission)
(Please add...)[/b]
I'm suffering displacement embarassement here...
Originally posted by Jay PeateaThe give away was in the first line "since this site doesn't have an effective way to deal with cheaters". Im not starting a witch hunt, it's just that James woodley is difinately cheating. He is beating people with a computer, still. Players should know he's a cheat so they can avoid him, that's why i started this thread. Im not being nasty about it, or accussing anyone new here, these two are known. I'd like to know who the others are....
If these guys are known cheaters, the site admin would have punished them by now, they would have either been kicked off, or severally reprimanded. If they are still playing because they promised to be good, or if they innocent. Then this thread is like kicking somebody when they are down. If they have left its not needed, if they have been punished already its not needed and if they are innocent it is not needed.
It is a bad idea.
Originally posted by marinakatombPleeeeeease,not another thread about JW: I used to expose him in forums but that was when no one knew his behaviour,now I guess even my cat knows that he's a cheat.
The give away was in the first line "[b]since this site doesn't have an effective way to deal with cheaters". Im not starting a witch hunt, it's just that James woodley is difinately cheating. He is beating people with a ...[text shortened]... ere, these two are known. I'd like to know who the others are....[/b]
There is at least a thread about him in every forum on Rhp,now it's time to slow down this thing,everyone had enough of this stuff since a couple months, and if I'm tired it really says it all.
Jw has become mainstream on this site.
The game moderators will keep a list for their use, only their use,of supposed cheats and if proven they will submit their decision to our two admins,end of the matter.
Posting a public list will make more difficult the job of the game moderators and will cause even more chaos in forums...........
"Innocent until proven guilty"
This concept only works if the "proven guilty" comes with a sanction that is severe enough to actually discourage the unwated behavior. And how do we measure "proof". I would argue that proof is a rather subjective concept. May be more practical to have a "reasonable belief" based on clear and articulable facts. Proof may not be possible, after all. A much bigger problem than cheaters, though, is reckless allegations of cheating. I don't think that someone having a high rating, or winning a high percentage of their games, could be a sole determinig fact to implicate cheating. It has a negative effect, in that truly strong players will (and have) stop enjoying playing here...which is bad for all of us. I agree with those who say leave it to the moderators and admins. If you have a concern, let them know. But they also have a burden to us as subscribers (if you don't subscribe, forgive me, but you really don't have any standing) to let us know when something is done. Both as a reassurance that they are paying attention, and as a deterrent to others who would consider doing such things. Reckless public allegations should be a sanctionable offense as well, IMHO.
Originally posted by Jay PeateaOriginally posted by Russ
If it was proven that he was cheating then the site would have terminated his account by now right ?
Due to the current level of suspicion, I will remove him from the tournament. -- From the tournaments forum...
Well, not exactly "terminated", but we ARE getting somewhere....
Tim *Yet another no-engine-owning RHP player....