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checking good checking bad   (sorry)

checking good checking bad (sorry)


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ok i was just wondering on whether or not it is a good idea to check your opponent if you know it will not lead to mate is it just
waisting a move or is it good to intimidate them???

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Merely putting someone into check is a total waste of time UNLESS..
the King is moved into a more vulnerable position OR the checking
piece has moved to an advantageous position anyway OR by making
your opponent move his/her King you are preventing them from
castling later in the game.


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I concur :-) Me too! Making a King move with a knight check is fun :-)
And forcing an opponent to block check with Queen is nice, too :-). But
Rhymester is correct. If it doesn't build position, it's a waste of time.
And, done repeatedly, it can be cause for stalemate, although that is
probably rare here.

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