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Chemistry jokes

Chemistry jokes


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Two atoms are walking down the street and they run in to each other. One says to the other, "Are you all right?" "No, I lost an electron!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm positive!"

When it comes to advances in science, every dipole has its moment, but free radicals have really revolutionized chemistry.

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I know a few but they don't bear repeating.

like.... what's more deadly than lead in your blood stream?

and how do you make a hormone?

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Originally posted by demonseed
...how do you make a hormone?
Tell it an awful joke.

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'Chemistry jokes' is the most boring yahoo search I've ever done!


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
'Chemistry jokes' is the most boring yahoo search I've ever done!

"Yahoo!" searches are be the most boring I could imagine.

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My name is Bond, Ionic Bond;
Taken, not shared!

(Fe)male...male with iron added, for greater strength, ductility, and magnetism.

A small piece of sodium which lived in a test tube fell in love with the
Bunsen burner:
"Oh Bunsen, my flame. I melt whenever I see you . . .", the sodium pined.
"It's just a phase you're going through", replied the Bunsen burner.

Q: if both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water which one disolves faster?
A: The one in Alaska, as it is Polar.

i forget the mans name, but he was a fellow at a oxbridge colledge. he was famously brash, claiming to have covered half of physics and the whole of chemistry by (i think) discovering anti-particles (theoretically, they were not observed for another 4 or so years). aaaaaaaanyway, he was also famously quiet, so one time whilst at dinner at his colledge an american professor bet another professor that he could get more than three words out of him. the american explained this situation the the quiet guy, who replied "you loose".


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I thought chemistry was a joke... 😉

(sorry - a physics joke there)

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Originally posted by demonseed
I know a few but they don't bear repeating.

like.... what's more deadly than lead in your blood stream?

and how do you make a hormone?
tell me 😀

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I know a couple, but they suck

"What did the policeman get paid for working the night shift?"
"Copper Nitrate"

and if you have recovered from that one

"A neutron goes into a bar, and asks for a pint of beer, the bar man gives him his drink and the neutron asks what he owes, the bar man replies 'for you neutron there is NO CHARGE'"

and a variation of one of the above

A proton goes into a bar and asks for a pint of gin, the bar man says ' a pint of gin are you sure?' The proton says ' i'm POSITIVE'

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The funniest chemistry 'jokes' I recall were alwsys the stories of what has happened to them. Generally involving something going a little awry.

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Originally posted by angie88
tell me 😀
well ... errr .. wait a minute just checked your home page, you're too young sorry

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Originally posted by angie88
tell me 😀
Not sure about the first, but the last is "don't pay her"

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yeah the first is a reference to the band queen, when freddie was diagnosed, of course being at school at the time we came up with an appropriate adult response.

What's more deadly than lead in you blood stream?

*insert not so topical gag here*

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