This is from the chessmaster website:
"Windows 2000/NT -- No version of Chessmaster is likely to work
properly on Windows 2000 or Windows NT. A small percentage of users
have reported that Chessmaster 8000 works without any significant
problems on these versions of Windows, but most users have reported
major problems. It is Ubi Soft's general policy that none of their
games are likely to support Windows 2000/NT, as these
are "business" platforms rather than "gaming" platforms."
CM800 on Windows XP: "There have been only a very few major bug
reports regarding Chessmaster 8000 by XP users."
I have no idea what a major bug is. The computer exploding? They
don't say.
I've been waiting for a version of CM that's built specifically for XP. It
was supposed to be released this summer; but once summer rolled
around, release date switched to fall. When fall rolls around....