Slightly premature with this, but just after some ideas.
The domain ‘’ belongs to me. I registered it for a reason, because once I catch up with the million enhancements I intend to do here, finish RHP Live (is any project ever truly finished?), and do a few other prototype sites that I want to cast out in to the great WWW to see what works, I plan to write the ultimate chess tool! What the hell is a chess tool, you may ask? What does it do?
Well, this is the fun part. You tell me! 🙂
Suggestions start here…
Surely it has to do with some databases and functions for the database. Like searching for positions, searching by ECO codes, and such. Maybe search for a position and show some statistics on them, and the next moves that could be played. Kinda like chessbase. Also, Opening Guides would be a cool addition, e.g. plans, variations, key ideas, tactics that occur, typical endgame positions. I would be glad to write some, although I'm prolly not good enough. Couldn't be that hard to write about some openings. Fun stuff. Or maybe you could let people enter in some games on a board and let them create a .pgn file of them( a database of their games), let them annotate them and add commentary (comments, chess symbols [?!, ??, !, !!]) . Player searches. Maybe some reference sections to show people good chess sites and some good places to play ( of course we could show them the best place). 😀 If you really wanted to make it spiffy you could somehow rig rival chess up on a site and have it analyze games for people, although that seems a bit farfetched, eh?
Originally posted by RussWhat, like a bishop shaped screwdriver, or a knight themed hammer?
Slightly premature with this, but just after some ideas.
The domain ‘’ belongs to me. I registered it for a reason, because once I catch up with the million enhancements I intend to do here, finish RHP Live (is any project ever truly finished?), and do a few other prototype sites that I want to cast out in to the great WWW to see what works, ...[text shortened]... ? What does it do?
Well, this is the fun part. You tell me! 🙂
Suggestions start here…
Definite gap in the market; I think you might be on to something with this...
If the site has anything to do with RHP....
Storage space for us users to post an avatar and profile pic, lots of users don't even know how to link to a web site yet alone upload a picture there.
Customize chess pieces for use at RHP. These pieces could be used by other players if they like them.
Customized boards.
Data Search of RHP chess games (positional and number of pieces remaining... so if I wanted to find a game with 2 rooks vs. bishop and rook several games come up in the search)
Calculate position scores for any game at RHP. Also lets you load a position if you like or paste FEN and PGN.
Search for games by Length... Number of Moves... Lop-sided games... other fun searches....
If it has nothing to do with RHP it should be perahaps a collection of chess boards and chess engines and database searches etc.
Other than that I would like a Hammer shaped like a Rook.