25 Jan 16
Originally posted by jcandanceyou might be interested in that thread:
are clans a dead thing now? My can has been treading water for a while, but we still accept enough Challenges, just need more folks. What have I missed? And not not rhetorical.
Thread 166111
Originally posted by jcandanceIf the clan System as such is dead or has been dead since some time, or can be revived was the Topic of several discussions here, in the help froum and in the Site Suggestion Forum. But you might have to dig a round a bit to find the threads...
are clans a dead thing now? My can has been treading water for a while, but we still accept enough Challenges, just need more folks. What have I missed? And not not rhetorical.
25 Jan 16
Originally posted by jcandanceour ranks are swelling open with players eager to join in our noble cause to take the Metallica citadel down.
I'm not trying to start anything up, but from reading that I guess clan recruitment is now banned from the forums but clans are still a thing? So it's simply a legacy thing now? IF you still have a clan, keep doing it , but don't expect to grow anymore?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt's what you live for !!
our ranks are swelling open with players eager to join in our noble cause to take the Metallica citadel down.
Every living moment of the day you are consumed by your obsession with Metallica.
Which brings discredit to your own clan which might actually have had
a good year in 2016 without the collusion challenges.
Wonder how your clan members feel about that.
Maybe IVV will let you into their "Integrity Division" 😀😀