First, I'm new here (1 week, 11 games, lost 11...) so I don't know much yet. I can play chess (quite badly, it seems...), but I would like to play much better. What are the pros and cons of being a clan member? When I look at the clans pages, I only see the members and challenges (=games). If I want to join a clan, I get asked if I really want to, as I may be called upon to fight for them (quote "are permitting the clan leader to create games on my behalf" unquote) with possibly disastrous results for all concerned. Do clans have secret strategies, tips, and hints for improving one's game? Do they meet for tea and biscuits every Thursday morning or beer and fights on Friday evenings? Why would I want to join a particular clan (other than a clan which prides itself on losing challenges, as my mate says I might be an asset to them?)
Originally posted by shavixmirOh, no, nothing like that. Although I'm used to seeing men wearing skirts, like they sometimes do here in Japan (and also in Scotland, so I'm told... What do Vikings wear in battle??), and they fight to the death with sharp metal sticks, go raping and pillaging, and stuff like that, they must have some "downtime" when they relax, breed, and enjoy the company of their own families and friends. So, tell me about the peacetime advantages of being a clan member, because I quite like the idea of settling down with a few sheep of my own, and chickens, and growing my own spuds. (IMPORTANT: I'M NOT WELSH, AUSSIE or NZ) I just like playing chess sometimes as well, that's all...
I presume they serve in the function of a 'team'.
So you can have 'team' competitions.
Why? Did you think if you joined a clan you'd have to wear a kilt and go around killing Englishmen?
Originally posted by c99uxHere's a free, really cool site that will help you with your game. 😉
[b]First, I'm new here (1 week, 11 games, lost 11...) so I don't know much yet. I can play chess (quite badly, it seems...), but I would like to play much better.
Originally posted by shavixmirlol... where do I sign up? 😉
I presume they serve in the function of a 'team'.
So you can have 'team' competitions.
Why? Did you think if you joined a clan you'd have to wear a kilt and go around killing Englishmen?
and as for a kilt, I could just go find my catholic school skirt...