Well as an insider can you tell is if episode 7 is myth or reality? I can't really see where the story can go after the death of Darth Vader and his Master. I suppose "The Empire Strikes Back... Again" could be a working title?
On a serious note can we not get into a debate about the difference between episodes 4-6 and episodes 1-2 please? They were filmed 20 years apart using different actors and are meant to be seperate entities.
May the force be with you all. π
Originally posted by ObiWan KenobiWhat do you want to talk about?
lets talk about star wars all the star wars movies because i am the unofficial obi wan kenobiπ΅π΅π΅π΅
Leia saying to Tarkin: "The tighter you close your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." and it's reference to modern day politics?
Luke kissing his sister and the Freudian implications of this?
Yoda's speach impediment. I mean, by the time I'm 900 years old, proper English Speak it I hope.
A general discussion about episode's one and two?
One was okay. It wasn't great, but it was okay. The race took too long, children shouldn't be filmed and what on earth was that nonsense about one or other prophecy?
Episode two was good. Not brilliant, but certainly better than Return of jedi. No teddy-bears defeating the empire's best troops here!
The only really bad thing about episode two was 3PO losing his head and R2 flying about....
I actually really liked the coming of age of Anakin; the way he kept losing his temper; the way he kept blaming Obi Wan.
I can't wait 'till the next film!
I can't wait either. But I heard that anytime Lucas gets asked about episode 3, he always says it hasn't been written yet. Everybody knows what's supposed to happen, right?
Skywalker turns to the Dark Side.
He travels accross the entire galaxy, killing every singe living jedi except for two.
He doesn't even try to mess with yoda (who would?).
He challenges Obi-Wan, who tears him up so bad that most of his body parts have to be replaced by machinary. Ergo, Darth Vadar
And, finally, He has to impregnate Natalie Portman (yum) and somehow make sure that the child will be born on Tatoine.
How can all this fit into one movie? If I was George Lucas, I'd be scared too. Not only that, but today's audiences like happy endings and this move is NOT ALLOWED to have one.
hey, i relize that people would want a happy ending, but they need to take into acount that this one ties all six into one, from what i've heard there is a super droid that kills alot of the jedi and most die in the clone wars anakin will kill some, but i think he kills count douku and takes his place as the emperor's right hand man then goes after the jediπππ
your theory for the movie is good but for one i can conferm that obi wan will tecnicallly [i know i spelled that wrong] kick skywalkers butt big time.
though i will agree that the current episodes coming out could have been a little better [ yes they were good but they could have been better]. i just seems that ever since the new director started with the new movies the just haven't been the greatest.π΅
you are absolutly right the "return of the king" right at this moment is my favorate which is very surprising because star wars has been my favorate since i was real young and if he does wish to make this movie as well as the saga spectacular and one of the greatest of all time then he is going to have to make it an instant groundbreaking sucsess[ i think i spelled that wrong]. π΅
I think...
The jedi all die when the clones turn on them mid battle near the beginning of the film. Anakin kills all the jedi kids in the temple, hence why he is so hated by the remaining jedi.
I am not sure about kenobi being techinically better, Anakin is supposed to be the greatest, and Kenobi will go to fight him expecting to lose. You do not set up vader that well for the original three films if everyone beats him easily and chops his limbs up in the prequals. I think Anakin will need to kick ass in this one and something unexpected will be his downful, maybe too focused on hating kenobi to avoid something environmental in the lava fight.
How about a discussion on famous Star Wars lines that can be twisted into sexual innuendos? My 3 favorites:
"Luke, at that speed, do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"
"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."
And my personal favorite:
"Get in there, you big, hairy oaf! I don't care what you smell!"
Originally posted by Natural ScienceTake that, you nerds!
How about a discussion on famous Star Wars lines that can be twisted into sexual innuendos? My 3 favorites:
"Luke, at that speed, do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"
"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."
And my personal favorite:
"Get in there, you big, hairy oaf! I don't care what you smell!"
Concerning Epos. 7... There are a whole bunch of stories starting from the end of ROTJ. For example, there is the trilogy written by Timothy Zahn, "Heir to the Empire", "Dark Force Rising" and "The Last Command". It is about the only remaining Dark Lord, Thrawn. I wouldnt mind three more movies.
Concerning sexual quotes, dont know if this one suffices:
"Do or do not, there is no try"
Dont need so say who said that. By the way, at least one sentence he said was proper English π
Dr Eek