When you have time between moves can you have a peek at my revamped clan website, still more content and more chess related stuff to be put into it but its up and running now. Let me know of any improvements (design wise), any critisim would be appreciated.
Thanks guys
I am really a beginner, been programming for a few years now and I have only just dicovered html before christmas (used to design my websites with dreamweaver and frontpage before).
I have just learned the basics so far but busy learning all the others with w3schools.com i.e like css, xhtml, java, asp and php.
Anyone got any advice on where I can learn more about these especially the latter 2, any book titles you can recommend.
Thanks all for taking the time to peek at my site.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotNo probs, I found this site useful.
WOW!Awesome site dude,looks perfect!
Thanks for the link to W3schools,I was looking for a site just like that 😀
Give this one a try, very powerful program and its free.
Taught me html very quick. You also get css topstyle, an easy to use css stylesheet developer.