02 Feb 22
@divegeester saidContenchess quit about 2 weeks ago and is now dealing with health issues, personal issues, as well as feeling burnt out on chess due to high, and sometimes unrealistic expectations. He'll be back sometime in the future. Personally, it's difficult for me to read about someone going through what I faced for years, and a reminder that it's important to get one's personal life in order before trying to take on something as difficult as chess.
Back in the slammer?
Metaphorical or otherwise.
I wish him well. 🙂
Thanks 😊
I'm working on my severe high blood pressure right now (I'm only 42! 😳)
I'm on meds and going to see a heart specialist asap.
I had blood work done and they are sending me back for more tests.
The wifey said these forums work me up so much that it would only make me worse.
(Debates Forum mostly)
So I'm just taking a break so I can get healthy for the midterm US elections later this year 😉
02 Feb 22
@divegeester saidThe wifey hit me with a forum ban 😔
Back in the slammer?
Metaphorical or otherwise.
@contenchess saidWell that can get the blood pressure up if you take it seriously for sure.
The wifey hit me with a forum ban 😔
I have high blood pressure also, but nothing bothers me except arguing with a clanmate which is why I left my last clan.
Take care of yourself.
02 Feb 22
In the General Forum I'm relaxed and laugh about it all and have fun.
That damn Debates Forum gets my blood boiling 😤
02 Feb 22
@contenchess saidsnapping whip sound fx
Gotta go back into hiding cause the wifey will be home in a few minutes.
@contenchess saidYes, I laugh so hard some times when the gooster and I are going at it the wife will ask what I am laughing about. It is fun, I just didn't like arguing with him when he was my clanmate and told him so and that one of us would be going. So he didn't go anywhere so I did. Now I have lots of fun bantering back and forth him and Love my new Clan with no pressure on me.
In the General Forum I'm relaxed and laugh about it all and have fun.
That damn Debates Forum gets my blood boiling 😤
Your wife is most likely correct about staying off of the forums especially Debates if it gets your blood pressure up.
@contenchess saidYou are right lots of guys break arms and wrists and pull things.
Hardy Har Har 🙄
Plenty of guys break their arms in Arm Wrestling.
It is part of the sport.
Just like knock outs in fight sports.
Now you're getting me going again...
Anger Rising! 😡
It is a tough sport, not for OLD MEN for sure! 🙂
@contenchess saidCalm down, you're fine
Hardy Har Har 🙄
Plenty of guys break their arms in Arm Wrestling.
It is part of the sport.
Just like knock outs in fight sports.
Now you're getting me going again...
Anger Rising! 😡
I was making fun of people believing Dive performed a brain transplant. You're cool