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Corrective time travel

Corrective time travel



I go back in time to 1980 with a box of CDs from the 1990s and successfully head 80's rock and pop off at the pass and the decade's music is skipped.

Suggest a downside of that and then propose your own corrective time travel mission.

And so it goes.


@fmf said
I go back in time to 1980 with a box of CDs from the 1990s and successfully head 80's rock and pop off at the pass and the decade's music is skipped.

Suggest a downside of that and then propose your own corrective time travel mission.

And so it goes.
No CD Player?

I'd go back and Save Franz Ferdinand from Assassination.


The first rule about time travel missions is
You don't talk about time travel missions.


@huckleberryhound said
No CD Player?

I'd go back and Save Franz Ferdinand from Assassination.
There wouldn't have been a war to end all wars.

I'd go back to 2003 and prevent the decision to stop producing the Volkswagen Beetle.


i would change the way i acted with anita that first date


@rookie54 said
i would change the way i acted with anita that first date
The butterfly effect theory makes it difficult to see what this small change in your state in that deterministic nonlinear system might have caused in terms of large - possibly detrimental - differences in this later state you now find yourself in, although we may assume you wouldn't have been cursing about it now.

I would go back to 1990 and prevent Marathon bars from being renamed as Snickers bars throughout the 1990s, 2000s and 2010s.

In fact, I HAVE been back and attended an August 2020 meeting of the Mars Wrigley board in order to rectify the 1990 decision.


@fmf said
I go back in time to 1980 with a box of CDs from the 1990s and successfully head 80's rock and pop off at the pass and the decade's music is skipped.

Suggest a downside of that and then propose your own corrective time travel mission.

And so it goes.
Much less New Wave and next-gen twotone, and a decade more of whiny emos and talentless garage bands? Sounds like its own punishment to me.

I'd go back in time to stop one particular ocular hack from ruining both Bach's and Handel's health.

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@fmf said
I go back in time to 1980 with a box of CDs from the 1990s and successfully head 80's rock and pop off at the pass and the decade's music is skipped.

Suggest a downside of that and then propose your own corrective time travel mission.

And so it goes.
I go back in time to 1980 with a box of CDs from the 1990s and successfully head 80's rock and pop off at the pass and the decade's music is skipped.

Why would anyone want to do this? I was not a big fan of the 80's but can see no reason to skip any decade of music. 🙄


@mchill said
Why would anyone want to do this? I was not a big fan of the 80's but can see no reason to skip any decade of music.
Fair enough. And? What about the OP challenge?


@shallow-blue said
I'd go back in time to stop one particular ocular hack from ruining both Bach's and Handel's health.
We got plenty from them; longevity might have cast shadows out from which other talents might not have peeped... examples pending... knowledge insufficient.

I would go back and write this more clearly: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


I’d go back to the ancient library at Alexandria with a digital camera, plenty of memory chips, and a solar-powered battery charger.

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@moonbus said
I’d go back to the ancient library at Alexandria with a digital camera, plenty of memory chips, and a solar-powered battery charger.
Way cool. I wait at near the entrance witha video equipment to see the witcher burn... (or with a laser pointer to rescue you 🙂 )

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@huckleberryhound said
No CD Player?

I'd go back and Save Franz Ferdinand from Assassination.
Good choice. Might have spared the 20th c two world wars.

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@moonbus said
I’d go back to the ancient library at Alexandria with a digital camera, plenty of memory chips, and a solar-powered battery charger.
"You're there, unfortunately it's just embers now. You forgot to specify before the fire."- The Azzhat Genie

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@gambrel said
"You're there, unfortunately it's just embers now. You forgot to specify before the fire."- The Azzhat Genie
I have a time machine. I can go back as many times as necessary, earlier or later.

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