This is what I have sofar at saturday May 25th, 15h (RHP time). I
indicated with a 'xxx' some players that could be considered to move
up the ladder. This is pure guesswork, and definitely needs
Still hoping for more players (Donadoni do you sign in?).
Knightmare_NJ 1826 sintubin 1722
schliemann 1744 mcdonan 1721
Zumdahl 1668 Amnell 1507
Islanddoc 1598 Ytrewq 1489 xxx
paul708 1590 T1000 1471
wwarrior 1542 xxx Attilachess 1450 xxx
nogoodamI 1397 Pawnking 1437
vaknso 1317 lioness 1414
!~TONY~! 1311 Misslead 1403
Pmorphy 1249 xxx Shougi 1288
Kirksey 1248 Kyngi 1275
mommyofthetwojp's 1182 JOHNW249 1267
Novaboy 1213
Sparkov 1097