Date Difference Calculator
"This site provides an online date calculator to help you find the difference in the number of days between any two calendar dates. Simply enter the start and end date to calculate the duration of any event. You can also use this tool to determine how many days have passed since your birthday, or measure the amount of time until your baby's due date.
The calculations use the Gregorian calendar, which was created in 1582 and later adopted in 1752 by Britain and the eastern part of what is now the United States. For best results, use dates after 1752 or verify any data if you are doing genealogy research. Historical calendars have many variations, including the ancient Roman calendar and the Julian calendar. Leap years are used to match the calendar year with the astronomical year.
Note: If you're trying to figure out the date that occurs in X days from today, switch to the Days From Now calculator instead. Or to calculate the date that is X days from a particular date, use the Days From Date calculator. Finally, if you want to choose a day in the week and count how many times it occurs in a given year, try out the How Many Days calculator."
6 Years, 5 Months and 8 Days = 2,354 Days.......... Date Difference Calculator: Please don't leave home without it in 2014.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyI use it a lot, but i also just us my own calculator.
[b]Date Difference Calculator
"This site provides an online date calculator to help you find the difference in the number of days between any two calendar dates. Simply enter the start and end date to calculate the duration of any event. You can also use this tool to determine how many days have passed since your birthday, or measure the amount o ...[text shortened]... s = 2,354 Days.......... Date Difference Calculator: Please don't leave home without it in 2014.[/b]
"Date difference from Feb 17, 2014 to Dec 25, 2014"
"The total number of days between Monday, February 17th, 2014 and Thursday, December 25th, 2014 is 311 days.
This is equal to exactly 10 months and 8 days.
This does not include the end date, so it's accurate if you're measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 312 days.
311 days is equal to 44 weeks and 3 days.
The total time span from 2014-02-17 to 2014-12-25 is 7,464 hours.
This is equivalent to 447,840 minutes.
You can also convert 311 days to 26,870,400 seconds.
Today is 2/17/2014 and 12/25/2014 is exactly 311 days from today."
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThis is also the first step in the process of calculating one's "biorhythms" for any given day -- calculating the number of days you've been alive for whatever day you wish to calculate your "biorhythm" for. Also, a comparison of how similar your biorhythms are to someone else's is supposed to render how 'compatible' you are with that person, in a 'percentage' number of how alike your two biorhythms are.
[b]Date Difference Calculator
"This site provides an online date calculator to help you find the difference in the number of days between any two calendar dates. Simply enter the start and end date to calculate the duration of any event. You can also use this tool to determine how many days have passed since your birthday, or measure the amount o ...[text shortened]... s = 2,354 Days.......... Date Difference Calculator: Please don't leave home without it in 2014.[/b]
I understand this 'pseudoscience' became especially popular, especially in America, around the late 70's-early 80's.
Edit: It's fairly fascinating for anyone with an interest in math.
Edit2: I actually happen to own a Kosmos 1 calculator (mentioned on the Wikipedia page) that calculated biorhythms given a birthdate and today's date. It also told you what day of the week any date falls on and calculates 'compatibility' between two birthdates. Unfortunately, this calculator fell victim to the Year 2000 bug and does not function on dates after 1-1-2000.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyStill with the numbers Bobby? 😛
[b]Date Difference Calculator
"This site provides an online date calculator to help you find the difference in the number of days between any two calendar dates. Simply enter the start and end date to calculate the duration of any event. You can also use this tool to determine how many days have passed since your birthday, or measure the amount o ...[text shortened]... s = 2,354 Days.......... Date Difference Calculator: Please don't leave home without it in 2014.[/b]
"The total number of days between Saturday, March 15th, 2014 and Thursday, December 25th, 2014 is 285 days.
This is equal to exactly 9 months and 10 days.
This does not include the end date, so it's accurate if you're measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 286 days.
285 days is equal to 40 weeks and 5 days.
The total time span from 2014-03-15 to 2014-12-25 is 6,840 hours.
This is equivalent to 410,400 minutes.
You can also convert 285 days to 24,624,000 seconds. [until Christmas].
Today is 3/15/2014 and 12/25/2014 is exactly 285 days from today."