21 Aug 09
Originally posted by BlackampThe part with the talking trees confused me, what was the point of that? Also, nobody was wearing shorts, which stretches credibility too far. And obviously it would have been much better as a musical.
you didn't like LOTR?😲
I'll have to see District 9, I live quite close to District 6.
-- It's not a musical, is it?
Originally posted by BlackampThey were based on books? Oh man, that sucks.
you mean those trees really were talking? i thought it was the acid.
yeah, the lack of shorts did bother me. i've never read the books, so i don't know whether to blame Jackson or Tolkien. i think some of the hobgoblins should have been depicted wearing shorts.
You know what I mean about the shorts, then. Good man.
What's your favourite scene from Danny Deckchair?