Yes, I know this sounds like a questionable riff on a Neil Young song.
Suzianne: I'm not against you.
Divegeester: It seems we might be alike in some ways, and of course I hate you for that.
As for Me: what could anyone ever say about a man who needs no introduction (and about which there is really not much to be said, if we are to be quite frank)?
@contenchess saidIt didn't suck until you showed up.
Hey Suzianne...
Ya gotta admit this party sucks...
...I'll have the limo driver wait a few extra minutes...
@contenchess saidYeah, Suzianne and I share an unspoken connection that non-skyscraper-perchers might never know.
She was leaving before I had the limo pulled up and you know it...
Since we're having a bit of a natter about this kind of thing, I think my popularity rating has gone down here rather since my friendship with FMF (remember FMF? ) and Mister Divegeester has come into the public domain, which is a pity, really, since I bear no malice or ill will toward anyone. Still, each to their own, and life is too short and too good to worry overmuch about this kind of thing. An early happy Yuletide to one and all, let's hope it's a good one, without any fear.