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i've been telling folks for more than ten years to not give a spit

they still do


Those that 'Thumb' this down, are stupid.


@chris-guffogg said
Those that 'Thumb' this down, are stupid.
Maybe it would have helped to paraphrase the core thesis in your won words?

I can't listen long to that computer voice reading word for word without emphasis ...

I understand that the thesis could be: "Corportaions are buying DNA extracted from swaps, which where taken by Covid-tests"

In fact I do hope that you never lose and hair somewhere. People could harvest your DNA and sell it.

Oh and never go to a public toilet. People could harvest your DNA and sell it.

As we are about it: Don't gift your sewage to the public system, people could...

So what exactly is the danger? And what exactyl are we to do?

(I expect that I could get 1000's of hairs or nail-clippings for 5 pounds a piece with names from people if I would set up a stall in a big city.

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