Do the days of the week matter to you?

Do the days of the week matter to you?


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28 Oct 05
05 Feb 23

How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 Feb 23

@fmf said
How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?
Are you gathering information for your note book? πŸ™‚


free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
05 Feb 23

@fmf said
How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?
this is too long don't read this

growing up i was scheduled to do things and have things to do
they revolved around school, 5 days a week, and taking the garbage out to the street, once a week
in 1972 i "graduated" from high school (more like spooted from a circus cannon) and narrowly avoided vietnam by joining the us navy
when i say that my schedule changed, it's a sort of low-key way of saying, "exploded"
lol, i thought momma was strict, but my drill instructor was an ogre
and then, like a strawberry on top of cheesecake, i got assigned to a ship and lawdy the rules were carved into the bulkheads
and i learned the hard way to follow them
then came the joyous day i was spooted from service to the country and began my "gallivanting" years
sex and drugs and rock n roll
then i learned (the hard way again) about biology
so now there were children and schedules seemed quite unneeded as i attended to needs not my own, unless i count the shift work at the various factories and manufacturing plants in which i was gainfully employed
when the kids and my first wife had had enough of my nonsense, and they hit the road running, i was again left to foolishness of my own design and i tended to be sort of jackson pollock about schedules
you could tell they were there, but they didn't make a whole lot of sense drawn that way
i retired from humanity, and became a monk
the schedule was much less structured, and incredibly simple
then the dang internet happened and i realised a global schedule existed that i hadn't yet observed
it was fascinating

at present, today, on a february day by way of gregorian calendar, all these changing, metamorphosing schedules are amalgamated into one constantly changing, never resting, smoosh of days, that are only different from one another because i see the sun going down, and the eyes in my head, see the world spinning round

i do not know what the day holds
as soon as i attempt to grasp it, it floats away like a phantasm of joy

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 Feb 23


Do you get involved in the Prose contest when it goes on? You should if you don't.


14 Mar 15
05 Feb 23

I'm vulnerable on a Thursday
when I wash my lucky socks,
It's the day I sharpen all the knives
climb wobbly ladders to fix the clocks.
I poke things in the toaster
to clear out all the bread,
it's remarkable I'm still alive
not in the ground, quite dead.

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
05 Feb 23

My week now revolves around playing tennis, going to the gym and playing otb chess.
And a small amount of charity work, about 20 hours a month.
All quite boring but I do still have the occasional drunken night out with ex colleagues when they are free from work and family commitments.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 Feb 23

@the-gravedigger said
My week now revolves around playing tennis, going to the gym and playing otb chess.
And a small amount of charity work, about 20 hours a month.
All quite boring but I do still have the occasional drunken night out with ex colleagues when they are free from work and family commitments.
I would like to suggest less drunken nights and more charity work. πŸ™‚



31 May 12
05 Feb 23

@fmf said
How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?
Hardly at all, as I am retired and no longer expected to show up at work on a specific day or at a specific time. I do tend to forget what day it is and have to check a calendar so as not to venture out for groceries on a Sunday when the shops are closed. πŸ˜†

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
05 Feb 23

@very-rusty said
I would like to suggest less drunken nights and more charity work. πŸ™‚

Strange but my wife said the same thing πŸ˜€


31 May 12
05 Feb 23

@very-rusty said
I would like to suggest less drunken nights and more charity work. πŸ™‚

Just to clarify, did you mean fewer such nights but just as drunk, or just as many nights but less drunk?

Constant Gardener

The Plot

07 Aug 12
05 Feb 23

@fmf said
How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?
Week days are for dog walking at the beach or on the cycle track as the kids are in school and most parents working. Early Sunday mornings for best for picking up free wood as it’s nice and quiet. Mon-Thurs food shopping is done around 3.15pm when the parents are doing the school run and cooking tea.


16 Feb 08
05 Feb 23

@fmf said
How do the days of the week affect your mindset and what you do?
Interesting question, and for me the days of the week affect me quite a lot. I work Mon-Fri and sometimes at weekends if I’m behind on stuff. Generally I find Sunday evenings a bit of a low and Friday evenings a bit of a high. Not sure I’d have it any other way though.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 Feb 23

@moonbus said
Just to clarify, did you mean fewer such nights but just as drunk, or just as many nights but less drunk?
To clarify, I meant cut out the drunken nights or most of them and do more charity work. πŸ™‚


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 Feb 23

@moonbus said
Hardly at all, as I am retired and no longer expected to show up at work on a specific day or at a specific time. I do tend to forget what day it is and have to check a calendar so as not to venture out for groceries on a Sunday when the shops are closed. πŸ˜†
I remember a time when everything was closed here on Sundays. Now it is like every other day. We can get groceries any day of the week, with a few holidays being the exception.



11 Mar 16
05 Feb 23

@very-rusty said
I remember a time when everything was closed here on Sundays. Now it is like every other day. We can get groceries any day of the week, with a few holidays being the exception.

We even have 24/7 shops, without staff some of the time. What's next? πŸ™‚