@lemondrop saidi have a large family of skunks (potent) that i keep in a couple pens by the door
unless I'm expecting a visitor
I won't
and a sign that says, "skunks"
nobody ever comes to the door
as an aside, i like saying the word, 'skunks'
it's one of those words that when said several times over, the sound of the word itself takes on life
gawd i love that word
@lemondrop saidI don't answer the door even when I know who it is let alone some stranger at night.
unless I'm expecting a visitor
I won't
@rookie54 saidNah...we have three "BIG" dogs.
brother, welcome
do you answer your door bell at night?
Yes, I do as I have an outside light which goes on and I can see who the person(s) are. The person(s) also on video. It usually is a delivery for the guy next door and they get the house number wrong. Of course I live in a peaceful neighbourhood. I can't even recall the last time anyone had any issues with the exception of a few pranks at halloween.
Oh yes the guy next door also has a motion detetctor if anyone is roaming around outside which is on the side of his house that lights up my property too.
07 Oct 20
@cheesemaster saidYet you are ok with Lurch? 😉
Werewolves and wolves is hardly fair in my opinion 🙄
@cheesemaster saidLurch is monster...Obviously you've never watched the the Adams Family a fictional character of course but a monster. Yes, I am very racist when it comes to monsters!!! 😛 😉 Most people don't care for them of all races. I don't think you used the correct word here cheesey. 😉
Don't be racist.
Lurches are people too.